Issue details

Financial Outturn Position 2023/2024

Note the 2023/24 year-end financial position, based on the unaudited Statement of Accounts and the movement in earmarked reserves
Approve the transfers with subsequent financial years, for the range of capital schemes, with under and overspends analysed.
Approve the finalised outturn position for Treasury Management Prudential Indicators.
Approve the itemised revenue budget virements.

Decision type: Key

Reason Key: Incurring expenditure or savings which are significant;

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Notice of proposed decision first published: 21/06/2024

Decision due: 23 Jul 2024 by Cabinet

Lead director: Finance Director (Section 151 Officer)

Contact: Phil Winstanley, Finance Director (Section 151 Officer) Email:

Consultation process

Various methods of consultation


Consultation with directorates


Agenda items