Councillor Ovens declared an
interest in the following application as a member of the Corporate
Parenting Board.
The Officer summarised the
officer report which had been pre-circulated and advised Members
that two additional comments had been received since the
preparation of the report querying the use of the property for a
business and asking whether officers had visited the
Members sought questions of
clarification around the following matters;
- Planning Permission
was granted for the property in 2021, why had it not gone ahead and
why was it before the committee again?
- The report advised
that there were 4 car parking spaces provided including 1 in the
garage however the storage of bikes in the garage would restrict
the parking of a car and 3 cars would not be able to park on the
- Concerned about the
original comments from the engineer on the 30 September 2024 where
he submitted lengthy objections in which he mentioned a travel plan
and the potential for displaced parking. On the 3 December 2024 the
engineer made an additional response however he gave no evidence as
to why he had changed his mind and there was no evidence of a
travel plan being submitted;
- Sat on the previous
application and highway issues were a major concern;
The objectors present at the
meeting made the following comments;
- Having previously
lived in the property there were visibility issues when reversing
off the driveway with many near misses;
- The garage was small
and only suitable for one small car and there would not be room to
park three cars on the driveway;
- The road had a blind
corner, was on an incline and had double bends so this property
could not be in a worse location;
- When the current
owner visited the property there was no regard for highway
- There was no
available space for on road parking;
- 60 objections had
been received including Guisborough Town Council and Ward
- Members were obliged
to responsibly review all the evidence and make the right decision
to protect the residents;
- Similar evidence was
presented in 2021 and officers had come
to the same conclusion as now ignoring our concerns;
- Legal action would be
taken if an accident occurred as we have provided evidence that the
road was not safe;
- The application
stated that the property would generate the same amount of cars as a family home but we have now
collected evidence from other premises run by the applicant that
showed that this type of business would generate parking beyond
that of a family home;
- At another of the
applicants premises there were 6 cars
parked so 3 parking spaces here just will not be
- Access for
pedestrians, pushchairs and wheelchairs would be problematic;
- It would be a
business first and foremost;
- There would be
support staff coming and going throughout the day and night;
- Residents close to
the applicants other premises have had
no end of difficulty accessing their properties and near misses had
- There had never been
a commercial business operating previously;
- One of our residents
had worked at a similar business in Leeds and was of the opinion
that the property was not suitable in size or location;
- Why have you not
taken into account the evidence and the
witness statements provided?
Members questioned the
objectors on the following points;
- We have heard a lot
of information regarding parking, was it a daily issue?
- What had the house
been used for since the 2021 application?
- Was the issue the
highway element or the fact that it would be operating as a
children’s home?
The Ward Member present made
the following comments;
- 70 objectors and the
residents of Bransdale disagree with
planning strategy stating that it would not give rise to
prejudicial highway safety and the Ward Members agreed with the
- Guisborough Town
Council agreed that the proposal did not comply with policy
- The initial reports
from the Highways Engineer were sensible stressing that the
location was unsuitable only for that to be withdrawn;
- The only change to
the original application was that bikes were now to be stored in
the garage;
- The proposed parking
for 3 cars was small and if 3 cars parked on the driveway they would not be able to get out of their
- A resident who lived
close to the applicants premises in
Acklam stated that there were 4/5 cars parked;
- There would not be
only 2 members of staff at the property;
- There were too many
ifs and buts;
- The property would
accommodate 3 children and 2 adults, so where would they sleep,
would they be expected to share spaces inside the
Members questioned the Ward
Member on the following points;
- What was the age
demographic of the area and did the properties all have parking
spaces on their drives?
The applicant present at the meeting made the following
- There will be up to 3
young people accommodated at the premises;
- Staff would always be
present at the premises;
- It would not be a
behavioural home;
- The reason this area
was chosen was that it is a nice area which was safe;
- The staff would be
- There was as much of
a chance that a family could move in with antisocial behaviour and
with children who all drove too;
- They would be
investing in the property;
- The company had two
other homes with no police call outs;
- Any parking concerns
had been addressed by extending the driveway. 3 cars could now park
and that had been tested;
- There should be no
more than one visitor at any one time;
- The car at the
neighbouring property parks on the roadside;
- Neighbours need only
knock on the door if there was a car in their way;
- There would not be
two staff sleeping at any one time and there would be no sharing of
bathrooms with the young people.
Members questioned the
applicant on the following points;
- In respect of the
parking arrangements was there a wall that could be removed to give
extra space?
- Other similar
premises had more than 3 cars visiting in 1 day and here there was
no extra space for parking so where would they park?
- How many of these
homes do you run?
- Do the premises have
a travel plan?
- Have you managed
other properties?
- What would be the age
range of the young people?
- Was there a
requirement for 3 spaces on the drive?
- Would any of the
young people have physical disabilities?
- Was there joint
access with next door?
- Would you consider
gravelling over more of the driveway?
Members debated the application
and made the following comments;
- Could we take the
parking issues experienced elsewhere into consideration;
- Looking at the site
and the nature of the space available for parking and the
availability of parking elsewhere people would be parking on
Farndale Drive;
- Was it a suitable
location for this home;
- Speakers had referred
to the fact that it would be difficult to get 3 cars parked on the
- Not happy with a
gravel driveway and could we ask for a more permanent surface;
- The garage was to be
used for the storage of bikes but could access be gained to the
garage when cars were parked on the driveway;
- A similar property in
New Marske was well looked after;
- Sat on the committee
in 2021 when there were the same objections.
Following the debate members
resolved to grant Planning Permission subject to the following
1.The development shall not be
begun later than the expiration of THREE YEARS from the date of
this permission.
REASON: Required to be imposed
pursuant to Section 91 of the Town and Country Planning Act
2.The development hereby
permitted shall be carried out in accordance with the following
approved plans:
Location plan received by the
Local Planning Authority on 03/09/2024
Site plan with parking received
by the Local Planning Authority on 03/09/2024
Existing and proposed plans and
elevations (003) received by the Local Planning Authority on
REASON: To accord with the
terms of the planning application.
3.The use of the property
hereby approved shall be restricted to that of a small children's
care home of not more than five residents within Class C2
(Residential Institutions) of the Town and Country Planning Use
Classes Order 2020 (as amended) and for no other purpose including
any other purpose within Class C2 of the Order.
REASON; To accord with the terms of
the application and allow the Local Planning Authority to exercise
appropriate control over any other use within Class C2 in the
interests of protecting the amenity of the area.
4.Prior to the commencement of
the use hereby approved the three parking spaces shown on the
submitted site plan shall be provided on the site, be available for
use and maintained as such. In addition, the existing vehicle
crossing shall be extended in accordance with details to be agreed
with the Council's highways engineers and the extended crossing
shall be installed prior to the commencement of the use. The
enlarged parking area shall either be made of porous materials, or
provision is made to direct run-off water from the hard surface to
a permeable or porous area or surface within the curtilage of the
REASON: To ensure the
development is provided parking in accordance with the Council's
adopted standards, that access from the adjoining highway is
improved to the required standard and that provision is made for
the disposal of surface water without increasing flood