Agenda item

Presentation RE: CioC Performance


The Executive Director for Children and Families Services presented the performance data from the Virtual School regarding Quality of PEPs yearly between 2019 – 2024 and the performance data for Children in our Care. 


The following areas were highlighted to Members:

·       The data was fluid and prone to change frequently.  The directorate were working tirelessly to ensure all cases that reach a close are removed from the system and further noted that sibling families can increase and decrease the data significantly.

·       There continued to be a national and regional campaign to advertise for foster carers, the authority is working closely with the Fostering NE Hub which is a Department for Education (DfE) initiative, and a report would be presented at a future meeting.  Officers are keen to work closely with Fostering NE Hub to ensure all enquiries were actioned as soon as possible to ensure the directorate could act upon these swiftly in the hope of engaging with perspective foster carers and sign then up to the training programme.

·       School exclusions have reduced for Children in our Care compared to this time last year.  An indicator that feeds into this reduction was the positive transitions which took place in the first school term.

·       Contact with care leavers was positive, the majority were in contact with the directorate and only a few were not, their whereabouts however were known and recorded.


As part of the ensuing discussion the following questions/comments were made:

·       A Member queried if the ‘missing’ data included separated migrant children.  Members were advised this would be checked and confirmed at the next meeting.

·       A Member queried what were the future housing needs analysis for Children in our Care.  Members were advised that this would be reported back at the next meeting.

·       A Member queried what age ranges are included within the NEET data.  Members were advise that data is collected in two ranges, 18-21 range and 18-25 range, noting the 21-25 age range are not required to keep in touch with the council, however Officers endeavour to ensure those young people were aware they were eligible for support.

·       Members were advised that a Fostering paper would be presented as part of the budget review and would be presented to this meeting in due course.

·       A Member queried if a breakdown of positive moves was available.  Members were advised that this could be presented at a future meeting.

·       A Member asked if the Mockingbird service was set up and being delivered.  Members were advised that a second constellation was approved, and an update would be presented at a future meeting.

·       A Member queried why national benchmarks were available for some of the data.  Members were advised that Officers would work with the data team to look into this and report back to a future meeting.

·       A Member queried the access to dental practices for Children in our Care noting the mixed-up information received at the previous meeting which was later clarified.  Members were advised that after the meeting the following was clarified; “only the IHA paediatrician or Children in Care nurses that can refer to the guaranteed dentists”.  Members were informed that new dentil practices had joined the scheme.


It was RECOMMENDED that:

1.     The information in the report ne noted; and,

2.     The missing data be checked for inclusion of separated migrant children and reported back at the next meeting.

3.     Emergency accommodation future needs analysis to be reported back at the next meeting.

4.     Fostering paper to be presented at a future meeting.

5.     A Breakdown of positive moves to be presented at a future meeting.

6.     Mockingbird update to be presented at a future meeting.

7.     Officers to work with Data analysis to try to obtain more national benchmark data and report back to a future meeting.

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