Agenda item

R/2024/0196/RMM Application for reserved matters approval (access, appearance, landscaping, layout and scale) for 396 dwellings and garages with associated access, landscaping and ancillary works pursuant to planning consent R/2014/0372/)00M Land at Low Grange Farm South Bank


The Executive Director for Growth, Enterprise and Environment summarised the officer report which had been pre-circulated.


Councillor Bendelow and Pallister were not in attendance but had requested that their objections be read out.


Members sought questions of clarification around the following matters;


·       Strategic Planning mentioned affordable housing not reflecting the Local Plan guidelines however the house types in Phase 2 do not pick this up;

·       Had discussions taken place with the developer to try to address the concerns in the report;

·       How would the concerns expressed regarding flooding be reflected in the conditions. The existing arrangement was not working therefore how could we have confidence that the existing arrangements were conformed with and if they were not then how would it be enforced;

·       We have been informed that a Travel Plan was not a requirement of the outline approval and that now at the material stage it could not be introduced therefore at what stage could it be reasonably requested?

·       Should there be a reference within the report of Natural England picking up differentials and how would Members be advised of that process? Requested that should permission be given today then at the next meeting Members be informed of the conditions referred to by Natural England;

·       Have the recommendations by Cleveland Police been picked up?

·       The report referred to the house types meeting the building regulation requirements without any reference to the non use of gas heating or the use of renewable energy;

·       Concerned over access to medical facilities as it was almost impossible to get an appointment at either of the 2 local GP surgeries, both were vastly over subscribed unless there was a third option provided. Similarly access to education was an issue with St Peter’s and St Margaret’s over subscribed;

·       Access to the site via the small road adjacent to Aldi would cause congestion on the Trunk Road. Would there be a secondary access at the Church Lane end of the site?

·       Concerns expressed in the report from the Clinical Commissioning Group and the contribution required to extend the Eston Primary Care Network was only feasible with a Section 106 Agreement;

·       Why have we not been guided as a Local Authority to seek a Section 106 particularly when the provision of health care was of concern. The system failed to identify a reasonable need and therefore failed an ever increasing demand;


The agent present at the meeting made the following comments:-


·       The redevelopment of this site had been a long standing aspiration of Redcar and Cleveland Council and had been identified more than 25 years ago;

·       There had been significant progress on site with 210 houses completed contributing significantly to the housing supply;

·       The principle of housing was long established;

·       This was a detailed scheme for 396 houses in the second phase of the development;

·       The consultation had resulted in objections from residents of Elgin Avenue however following a meeting with residents changes were made to address their concerns;

·       There were no concerns from the statutory consultees or officers;

·       Discussions were ongoing in relation to mitigation measures in relation to nutrient neutrality;

·       The delivery of housing on the site had been challenging but they were ready to invest in the next stage.


Members questioned the agent on the following points;


·       What is your response to the recommendation suggested by Cleveland Police?

·       What reassurance can you provide that in relation to flooding you are not going to fall foul like the existing arrangements;

·       The SUDS specification was agreed at the outline stage in 2016 however with climate change and increased levels of rainfall particularly in the last decade what changes have been made to address this?

·       How will the concerns regarding affordable housing be addressed in terms of the rental market going forward?

·       How do you see the use of renewable energy on this site going forward?

·       If Building Regulations were to change would you then be required to comply with the new regulations at the time of construction?


Members debated the application and made the following comments;


·       The outline was agreed in 2016

·       Only considering the reserved matters application;

·       Should delegate the technical matters to officers.


Members were mindful to grant Planning Permission subject to officers satisfactorily resolving final credit arrangements with Natural England and adding this to the conditions.

Supporting documents: