· Carers Experiences in Redcar and Cleveland (Carers Together)
· Commissioned Carers Services
The Executive Director for Adults & Communities advised Members that a Task and Finish Group will be convened between this Scrutiny Improvement Committee and Children’s and Families Scrutiny & Improvement Committee to undertake a scrutiny review of support for parents / carers of young people going through transitions. The Chairs, Vice Chairs and Executive Directors of each committee met to discuss the scope of this review ensuring it is specific, focused and achievable. Updates will be brought to each committee.
The Committee requested further information on ‘access to carers services’ and an ‘overview of commissioned carers services’. To address this request, the Chief Operating Officer (COO) for Carers Together shared a report with Members from Carers Week called “No choice but to care” reporting on data gathered from unpaid carers nationally and what recommendations Carers Together provided to the national government. A presentation was tabled covering data on carers in Redcar & Cleveland specifically focusing on accessing carer services in the rural part of the borough.
As part of the ensuing discussion, the following comments and questions
were noted:
· Members noted that Redcar and Cleveland performed statistically better compared to national figures with regards to waiting lists for social worker visits, this was positive.
· · Members queried the percentage of carers who access the service per postcode, stating 43% was low. The COO responded that not all carers require support from the service and some carers don’t acknowledge they are a ‘carer’ if they are looking after a close family relative. The service strive to ensure as many carers are aware of the service and know how to make contact should they decide to. The COO took away an ACTION to share a list of activities with Members.
· · A Member queried if the service liaises or signposts carers to the Citizens Advice Bureau. The COO replied that the service would advise carers to contact the bureau if they needed specific guidance, such as benefits or welfare advice.
· · Members noted the average age range of carers, the isolation many feel if they are housebound and further gave examples of carers in their constituencies who would benefit from accessing the service. The COO encouraged Members to share the services contact details with any carers within their constituencies or families. A link toCarers Together would be added to the minutes.
· · A Member queried if GP surgeries refer patients to Carers Together. The COO stated that only one surgery in Guisborough currently do this. However, the service are aware that many carers defer their own health needs being assessed or treated, therefore the service can support carers, for example, they can arrange for the person they care for to be looked after whilst they attend appointments.
· · The COO will be invited to a future meeting to present information analysis on non-rural areas, a breakdown of the services work and engagement activities, and the number of registered carers who do not actively access the service versus the number of carers who actively access the service, ACTION for the COO; NOTED.
The Assistant Director for Adults and Communities gave a presentation on Commissioned Carers Services for unpaid carers informing Members what services are available, that services align with the South Tees Strategy which is also aligned to the National Carer Strategy Priorities and information about the Mobilise Application (App) that “aims to increase levels of engagement with, and support for, carers who are not currently active with conventional support services through engaging digital content and tools”.
As part of the ensuing discussion, the following comments and questions
were noted:
· Members queried the cost of the Mobilise App being mindful of current financial restrictions within the Council. The Assistant Director responded that the App is run via grant funding until next year at which point it will be analysed to assess value for money, before the Directorate would consider purchasing longer term.
· A Member asked if there were many activities taking place and where they are advertised. The Assistant Director stated there are many activities taking place across many localities in the Borough. A Member further recommended utilising the Council Facebook page and Council Magazine to reach more constituents, the Assistant Director took away this ACTION.
· Members asked for clarity of respite for carers and short breaks for carers, what is available and do the schemes have any restrictions. The Assistant Director responded that respite and short breaks are the same and there is no limit to how much a Carer can access. Carers Breaks are funded separately. NOTED.
The work plan was discussed with regards to finishing the policy review on unpaid carers, Members AGREED. After some discussion, Members agreed to move forward with and include the following areas for review at future meetings:
· Respite, breaks and support for unpaid carers to be added into the Transitional Task and Finish Groups scope.
· Unpaid Carers to remain as an update on the work programme.
· Paid Carers to become the next Policy Development topic at future meetings.
These three items will be added to work programmes, ACTION for the Executive Director and Secretary; NOTED.
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