Agenda item

Quarter One Performance Reports Including

·       Commissioning and Social Care Resources

·       Operations

·       Communities & Health


Information Items


The Quarter One Performance Report for Commissioning and Social Care Resources was presented informing Members of developments within the service, the movement from analogue to digital telecare systems and cost implications.


As part of the ensuing discussion, the following comments and questions were noted:


·       Members requested clarity regarding use of provision, accessibility and marketing.  The Assistant Director replied that housing providers will give priority to tenants in receipt of social care support and the marketing materials will be circulated more widely to attract more occupants; NOTED.


The Quarter One Performance Report for Operations was presented informing Members of data trends and movement within the service, pressures within service areas, strength based training that has taken place and will continue to take place with positive changes in practice already evident and identified risks within the service with corresponding solutions taking place.


As part of the ensuing discussion, the following comments and questions were noted:


·       Members raised concerns regarding the change to social work strength-based assessment paperwork from a tick box approach to a more conversational approach and asked for reassurances that elements of the assessment will not be overlooked.  The Executive Director informed Members that the person-centred approach to complete paperwork will be a more in-depth assessment and more importantly a personalised support plan will be derived.


The Quarter One Performance Report for Communities and Health was presented informing Members that the Free School Meals (FSM) auto-enrol initiative was successfully implemented over the summer with overwhelming support from all local schools.  This initiative will help an additional 306 families access FSM which equates to an additional £390,000 received by those schools.  The Widening and Deepening Sports Programme will continue to be funded externally up to 2028.  The identified risks, issues and solutions within the service were also noted specifically the loss of national funding.


As part of the ensuing discussion, the following comments and questions were noted:


·       Members noted the significant local need for Accommodation-Based Substance Misuse services and requested the Director of Public Health report back upon this in more detail at a future meeting, the Director agreed to this ACTION.

·       Members requested feedback at the end of the James Cook lung Health Programme, regarding the uptake of the Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) x-rays.  The Director informed Members that the uptake was positive, and the clinics were strategically placed in localities with previously low take up.

·       Members requested a breakdown of the data relating to Did Not Attend (DNA) appointments noting appointments are often changed by the clinician, on the same day and if families have multiple relatives with appointments, the text messages do not state who the appointment refers to.  The Director will take this as an ACTION to feed this information back to the health services.

·       A Member asked what actions are taking place to reduce the amount of drug use in public spaces.  The Director responded with a list of actions and initiatives taking place with partner organisations such as outreach work and volunteering, however many individuals are difficult to engage with for any support programmes.

·       A Member requested an update regarding the Primary Care Service at Redcar.  The Director will invite the ICB Place Director to a future meeting, ACTION for the Director; NOTED.

Supporting documents: