Question 1 Question from M Melling to Councillor Richardson, Cabinet Member for Climate and Culture.
“In relation to the cabinet meeting of 19th March 2024, Councillor Head requested that any proposed SLA between RCBC and a community group taking over Laburnum Road Community Library be made available to all members prior to any final decision, can you confirm this will happen?
Will the RCBC Laburnum Road Community Library still be branded as an council Library and be part of the council library services offer in the event that it is taken over by a community group?
What current council services will RCBC ensure are still offered at Laburnum Road Community Library in the event that it is taken over by a Community Group?
Appendix attached:
RCBC current services include but not limited to:
• Bus Passes new/renewal/lost
• Blue badge applications
• Access to Public PCs
• Scanning, photocopying and printing (including from their own device)
• Referral of customers to housebound service if appropriate
• Audiobook service for sight impaired
• Ancestry Online
• Which Online
• Book request from any library in Redcar & Cleveland
• Activities and events throughout the year weekly/monthly
• Assisting with BorrowBox (eBooks, eAudiobooks and ePress)
• Support with applying/paying for other council services (where capacity allows), for example, recent Annual Green Waste Subscription
• Customer Service trained staff in all library buildings so a wide variety of queries can be assisted.”
Question 2 Question from M Edwards to Councillor Richardson, Cabinet Member for Climate and Culture.
“In the event that Laburnum Road Community Library is taken over by a community group, will the library continue to be an all inclusive space at all times and be open 5 days a week as opposed to the current 2?
In the event that the Laburnum Road Community Library is taken over by a community group, will the Community Group volunteers be trained by RCBC to ensure continued Library and Council Services Standards are met?
If the preferred community group is unable to continue operating, what is the RCBC contingency plan for Laburnum Road Community Library?”
Question 3 Question from E Finley to Councillor Richardson, Cabinet Member for Climate and Culture.
“In the event that the Laburnum Road Community Library is taken over by a community group, will the RCBC library service Sparks software system remain and be operated by the Community Group at Laburnum Road Community Library?
In the event that the Laburnum Road Community Library is taken over by a community group, will RCBC continue to provide and maintain computers for free public use?
In the event that the Laburnum Road Community Library is taken over by a community group, will RCBC continue to provide and maintain printer and scanner for public use?”
Question 4 Question from J Overfield to Councillor Richardson, Cabinet Member for Climate and Culture.
“1. In the event that the Laburnum Road Community Library is taken over by a community group, will all activities within Laburnum Road Community Library continue to be free?
2. In the event that the Laburnum Road Community Library is taken over by a community group, will the library continue to be classed as a Warm, Safe, Space offering free hot drinks?
3. The book and toy stock in Laburnum Road Community Library has been recently reduced. Why have books and toys been removed and what would be the proposed level of book and toy stock in the event the library is taken over by a community group?”
Councillor Richardson replied as follows:
“A minimum requirement for any voluntary organisation taking over Laburnum Library would be to maintain current levels of opening and as much of the current library offer as possible. The Voluntary Sector Association have confirmed that this will include free public computer access.
As previously communicated it will still be a RCBC library and the main points in the SLA have been shared, they are, that the book borrowing service will stay and computers will stay. The finer points are being worked out and naturally are confidential but where viable services will remain.
In terms of other council services these are available at the main Redcar library and will continue to be. We also have our home delivery service for those housebound and Borrow Box. Trained library staff will not be present at the location I think this has been made clear in previous questions.
The space will be utilised by the VCA to be more inclusive and offer a lot more to the local community than a library open only twice a week.
It is unlikely the VCA will be able to hire it out 5 days a week because the aim is the VCA will be running lots of vibrant clubs, events and activities and as they do so at their locations. However, I must point out that there are a range of venues in Redcar East including Durham Road Community Centre, Zetland Church, Park Avenue Community Grocery store and church and many clubs meet in the Rugby Club and Cleveland Bay.
To the questions:
Will activities continue to be free?
I would expect the VCS to put on a range of free and paid for activities as they do at their location.
Will it be a warm safe space with free drinks?
It will be warm, it will be safe and I don’t know if and when they will serve any drinks.
Will the book and toy stock be reduced?
The book stock will need to be reduced a little as it takes up a lot of space on the ground floor, this is part of the SLA under negotiation but the stock has been invested in and we will ensure good rotation.
Will they still use Sparks software system and printer and scanner?
Do not know this is not defined yet.
As much as possible the aim is to replicate the current system whilst not preventing any opportunities for the VCA to deliver everything they want to in the community.
If for any reason the building is handed back we will advertise and relet the building. It has had a lot of interest and I do not doubt another provider would be found.
I recognise the concerns of the community and the uncertainty a change like this brings but I do hope the new VCA is welcomed and engaged with positively by established community groups because they certainly are passionate, vibrant and so committed to what they do. I am excited to be able to tell you all about them and their offer as soon as I can.
Laburnum Road Library is currently open for 14 hours a week over 2 days and currently has 183 active borrowers. Along with Dormanstown Library, it had the lowest number of new people joining in 2023/24. The number of books borrowed has reduced by approximately 60% since 2018.”
Supporting documents: