Agenda item

R/2024/0285/CA Change of use from place of worship (Use Class F1) to mixed use restaurant (Use Class E) with bar (Use Class Sui Generis) and event space (Use Class F2) Saltburn Methodist Church Milton Street Saltburn by the Sea


Then Officer summarised the report which had been pre-circulated.


Members sought questions of clarification around the following matters;


·       Was a new access being constructed?

·       Was there any additional information in respect of waste management?


The representative from the Parish Council present at the meeting made the following comments;


•Support the change of use however consider that there will be a significant impact on residents with disturbance from noise and parking;

•Support the objectors;

•Impose conditions on noise and the operating hours;

•Parking/traffic was a matter of concern and may deter people coming into the Town;

•There was no easy place to park;

•The comparison with the buildings previous use was disingenuous;

•Public transport was not good;

•Deliveries and waste management would need to be carefully managed;

•Object to the application but appreciate there was a need to bring businesses into the town.


The agent present made the following comments;


·       The proposal would bring a stunning building back into use;

·       The building was a landmark within the town and contributed to its heritage;

·       The proposal would protect the building which otherwise would degenerate and attract anti-social behaviour;

·       We have worked with the Conservation Officer to retain as much of the building and interior as possible;

·       There were no residential buildings connected to the premises;

·       Would adhere to the noise regulations;

·       The premises would be subject to licensing who would limit noise levels;

·       Working with an experienced client providing a high quality development which would complement the hospitality culture within the Town;

·       The development complied with all policy as stated in the report.


Members questioned the agent on the following points;


·       Requested details of waste management, in particular whether the waste would be kept internally;

·       Was the South Eastern door the only door to be used or was the intention to open the other door next to Diamond Street;

·       The proposed use was substantially different from the current use which was a matter of concern for residents;

·       The operating hours were not a matter for this committees concern however they would limit  interference to local amenities;

·       How have you taken on board the residents concerns;

·       The church use was primarily during the day;

·       Saltburn had existing parking issues therefore how would the creation of a new attraction address the current and increasing parking problems?

·       Would the facility be operating on one level?

·       This was a Grade II listed building which was difficult to maintain and keep to a good standard;

·       Was there any information available of the work required to put the building into good stead?


Members debated the application and made the following comments:-


·       Any concerns relating to noise impact would be referred to the relevant department;

·       Any concerns relating to smoking and vaping would be determined by licensing as would the opening hours;

·       Any concerns regarding bins had been addressed by retaining waste within the premises;

·       The loss of amenity through town centre development fell within the guidance of the Local Plan;

·       Cannot insist on recognition of the parking problem however those concerns should be transferred to the Highways Engineer to continue to look at parking within Saltburn;

·       The Ward Members would like see details of the flue once it had been submitted;

·       Would any advertisement hoarding be the subject of a separate application;

·       This development would preserve an important historic building which would quickly fall into dilapidation;

·       The waste storage was an important aspect;

·       This was a Grade II listed building within a Town centre and with residential buildings close by;

·       The proposal was within development limits and within the commercial centre;

·       The proposal complied with ED1h which promoted the use of vacant buildings especially those with a heritage value;

·       This was a major investment and the developer was known to Ward Members as he had done work to other premises within the town and to a high standard;

·       Noise, odours and opening hours would be dealt with elsewhere.


Following the debate Members resolved to grant Planning Permission subject to the following conditions:-


1.The development shall not be begun later than the expiration of THREE YEARS from the date of this permission.


REASON: Required to be imposed pursuant to Section 91 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990.


2.The development hereby permitted shall be carried out in accordance with the following approved plans:

Site layout Plan (unreferenced)  received by the Local Planning Authority on 26.04.2024

Part Alley side elevation (referenced 004 Rev A)  received by the Local Planning Authority on 26.04.2024

Proposed Floor Plan (referenced 002 Rev B)  received by the Local Planning Authority on 26.04.2024


REASON: To accord with the terms of the planning application.


3.Prior to installation of the equipment to control the emission of odour and noise from the extraction system, a scheme of works (to be installed in accordance with manufacturer’s instructions) shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority.


The development shall not be brought into end use until the approved extraction equipment has been installed in accordance with manufacturer’s instructions and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority.


All equipment installed as part of the approved scheme shall thereafter be retained, operated and maintained in accordance with that approval.


REASON: In the interests of the amenity of the area


4.Prior to the development hereby approved being brought into first use a noise management plan shall be submitted for the approval of the Local Planning Authority which shall detail the controls to be implemented to ensure that noise from events/concerts held at the development does not cause disturbance to nearby residential properties.


REASON: In the interest of neighbour amenity.


5.The working hours for all construction and demolition activities on this site are limited to between 08:00 and 18:00 Mondays to Fridays and 08:00 to 13:00 Saturdays and not at all on a Sunday or Public Holidays.


REASON: In the interest of neighbour amenity.


6.The delivery and despatch of goods to and from the site shall be limited to the hours of 08:00 hrs and 18:00hrs on Mondays to Fridays, 08:00hrs and 13:00hrs on Saturdays, and at no time on Sundays or Public Holidays.


REASON: To ensure the creation/retention of an environment free from intrusive levels of noise and activity in the interests of the amenity of the area.





At this point Councillor Rider left the meeting.

Supporting documents: