R/2024/0350/LB Listed Building Consent for variation of condition no. 2 (approved plans) to R/2022/0718/LB for internal layout changes including to increase size of Unit 10; Units 1,2 and 10 have been renamed Units 1(a), 1(b) and 1 (c) Redcar Central Railway Station Station Road Redcar
Deemed Consent granted subject to the following conditions:-
1.The development hereby permitted shall be carried out in accordance with the following approved plans:
Submitted on R/2022/0718/LB
Location plan (1000 Rev P02) received by the Local Planning Authority on 02/09/2022
Proposed site plan (1600 Rev P04) received by the Local Planning Authority on 02/09/2022
Proposed first floor plan (2001 Rev P05) received by the Local Planning Authority on 02/09/2022
Proposed roof plan (2002 Rev P03) received by the Local Planning Authority on 02/09/2022
Proposed elevations (2100 Rev P05) received by the Local Planning Authority on 02/09/2022
Submitted on R/2024/0350/LB
Proposed ground floor plan 20055 HL 01 00 DR A 2000 D1 P13 received by the Local Planning Authority on 23/05/2024
Proposed mezzanine Plant 20055 HL 01 M1 DR A 2003 D1 P02 received by the Local Planning Authority on 23/05/2024
REASON: To accord with the terms of the planning application
R/2024/0327/VCM Variation of condition 2 (Approved Plans) on planning approval R/2022/0717/F3M for proposed redevelopment of Railway Station to include repairs; refurbishment and internal and external alterations: creation of 10 Commercial/Retail units (Class E) at Ground Floor with associated ancillary room; WCS and rest room facilities; storage units at first floor; solar panel array to roof; re-instate chimney and associated works Redcar Central Railway Station Station Road Redcar.
Deemed Consent granted subject to the following conditions:-
1.The development hereby permitted shall be carried out in accordance with the following approved plans:
Submitted on R/2022/0717/F3M
Proposed first floor plan (2001 Rev P05) received by the Local Planning Authority on 02/09/2022
Proposed roof plan (2002 Rev P03) received by the Local Planning Authority on 02/09/2022
Proposed elevations (2100 Rev P05) received by the Local Planning Authority on 02/09/2022
Submitted on R/2024/0327/VCM
Proposed site plan (1600 Rev P04) received by the Local Planning Authority on 21/05/2024
Proposed ground floor plan (2055 HL 01 00 DR A D1 P13) received by the Local Planning Authority on 15/05/2024
Proposed Mezzanine (2055 HL 01 M1 DR A 1003 D1 P02) received by the Local Planning Authority on 15/05/2024
REASON: To accord with the terms of the planning application
R/2024/0404/VC Variation of condition 2 (Approved Plans) on planning approval R/2022/0969/F3 for relevant demolition of existing buildings and removal of hard landscaping;erection of single storey skills and training hub with associated new hard and soft landscaping and parking Land at 48-51 West Road Loftus.
Deemed Consent granted subject to the following conditions:-
1.The development hereby permitted shall be carried out in accordance with the following approved plans:
Submitted with R/2022/0969/F3
Location plan (22006 - GT3 - 00 - A - 08-0000 - RevP1) received by the Local Planning Authority on 08/12/2022
Proposed demolitions (22006 - GT3 - 00 - A - 08-0005 - RevP1) received by the Local Planning Authority on 08/12/2022
Submitted with R/2024/0404/VC
Proposed ground floor plan (22006 - GT3 - 00 - 00 - DR - A - 08-1000 - RevP3) received by the Local Planning Authority on 17/06/2024
Proposed site plan (22006-GT3-00-00-DR-A-08-1050 Rev P3) received by the Local Planning Authority on 17/06/2024
Proposed elevations (22006-GT3-00-ZZ-DR-A-08-2000 Rev P3) received by the Local Planning Authority on 17/06/2024
Proposed roof plan (22006-GT3-00-01-DR-A-08-1001 Rev P3) received by the Local Planning Authority on 17/06/2024
Proposed sections (22006-GT3-00-ZZ-DR-A-08-3000 Rev P3) received by the Local Planning Authority on 17/06/2024
Landscape general arrangements (1357_101 Rev W) received by the Local Planning Authority on 17/06/2024
Proposed drainage layout (C001 Rev C03) received by the Local Planning Authority on 17/06/2024
REASON: To accord with the terms of the planning application.
Supporting documents: