The officer summarised the officer report which had been pre-circulated.
The applicant was present and made the following comments:-
· More information had been provided since the last meeting;
· The Ward Member had spoken at the last meeting with concerns about the impact on the local area and the community hall however it was the intention to add to Skinningrove not to take away;
· No hot food would be served;
· The cabin would occupy a small space;
· Would be prepared to clean up the area;
· A lot of people had been encouraging.
Members questioned the applicant on the following points:-
· Have you looked at other sites within the village?
· Why was it necessary to be on the car park;
· Had other positions in the car park been considered;
· Apart from hot drinks what other refreshments would be served?
· Why Skinningrove?
· A photograph of the cabin had been supplied however had it been designed specifically for you or was it bought off the shelf?
· Were you aware that the area was on the Heritage Coast and that it needed to be in keeping with the area?
· Was the cabin permanently fixed as the Ward Member had previously had concerns regarding access to the Northumbrian Water site;
Members debated the application and made the following comments:-
· The application needed to be considered against Policy N1 due the nature of the asset and the fact that the application was for a permanent feature;
· The land was not adopted;
· A Street Café Licence was not relevant;
· Uncomfortable with agreeing to impose upon a facility which is a car park;
· Car parks were a limited resource in tourist areas;
· Changing the use of a car park into a refreshment area;
· The applicant had not considered other sites;
· Do not think with all the caveats that it was a pertinent policy to restrict access to the Heritage Coast;
· Establishing a principle of allowing catering establishments on the Heritage Coast was not the right step,
· According to the applicant there were already 3 caravans parked on the car park so did not think this cabin would make much difference;
· Should encourage small businesses;
· The applicant had met with officers to discuss their requirements before proceeding with the application;
· The cabin looked nice;
· The argument that the cabin would take up 3 spaces was not relevant bearing in mind the size of the car park;
Following the debate members resolved to grant planning permission subject to the following conditions:-
1. The development shall not be begun later than the expiration of THREE YEARS from the date of this permission.
REASON: Required to be imposed pursuant to Section 91 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990.
2. The development hereby permitted shall be carried out in accordance with the following approved plans:
Location plan (2024.016_B1) received by the Local Planning Authority on 20/02/2024
Existing and proposed site plan (2024.016_B2) received by the Local Planning Authority on 20/02/2024
Proposed plans and elevations (2024.016_B3) received by the Local Planning Authority on 20/02/2024
REASON: To accord with the terms of the planning application.
3. Prior to the development being brought into permitted end use, a scheme which outlines details of sound attenuation for the generator shall be submitted to, and approved in writing by, the Local Planning Authority. The approved scheme shall be retained and maintained in accordance with the approval thereafter.
REASON: In the interest of neighbour amenity.
4. Prior to the development being brought into permitted end use, a scheme which outlines details of waste collection, storage and disposal shall be submitted to, and approved in writing by, the Local Planning Authority. The approved scheme shall be implemented in accordance with the approval thereafter.
REASON: In the interest of neighbour amenity.
Supporting documents: