Browse meetings

Corporate Parenting Board

This page lists the meetings for Corporate Parenting Board.

Information about Corporate Parenting Board

The Board will have a number of key functions which would be incorporated within its advisory role.  These responsibilities include:


·         To raise the awareness of Members of the Council on the role of Corporate Parenting;


·         To develop effective corporate responses to fulfil the Authority’s responsibilities as a Corporate Parent;


·         To review the Council’s Corporate Parenting Policy ;


·         To implement changes to policy and practice and to inform service development in the context of Corporate Parenting;


·         To ensure the education, health and social needs of children looked after including those leaving care are met;


·         To promote and safeguard the welfare of all children looked after including those placed outside the Borough;


·         To review the Council’s arrangements for rota visits to children looked after and arrangements for conducting Section 33 visits to Children’s Homes ;


·         To advise the Cabinet Member on the issues identified above.

