Agenda and draft minutes

Regulatory Committee - Thursday, 23rd January, 2025 10.00 am

Venue: Civic Centre, Ridley Street ,Redcar, TS10 1TD

Contact: Elizabeth Dale 

No. Item


Declarations of Interest


To confirm the minutes of the meetings held on 12 December 2024 and 9 January 2025

Additional documents:


RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting held on 12 December 2024 and 9 January 2025 be confirmed and signed by the Chair as a correct record.


To note the attendance matrix from the last meeting pdf icon PDF 121 KB


RESOLVED that the attendance matrix be noted.


Review of Hackney Carriage and Private Hire Policy pdf icon PDF 81 KB

Additional documents:


The Executive Director for Growth, Enterprise and Environment advised that the Council’s Hackney Carriage and Private Hire Licensing Policy set out the policy that the authority would apply when making decisions about hackney carriage and private hire applications and licences that were currently in force.


The Licensing Team were committed to reviewing the policy at least every 5 years but interim reviews would be considered should there be significant issues that required inclusion. The catalyst for this review was to ensure that the policy had been reviewed considering the Department for Transport’s (DfT) Taxi and Private Hire Vehicle Licensing Best Practice Guidance for Licensing Authorities which had recently been updated.


He advised that this report sought approval of the revised draft policy which was included (not reproduced).


RESOLVED that the draft Hackney Carriage and Private Hire Licensing Policy be approved for implementation by the licensing team.


R/2023/0820/ESM Hazardous Waste to Energy Process Plant Wilton Waste Treatment Plant Boundary Road West Wilton International Middlesbrough pdf icon PDF 2 MB


The officer summarised the officer report which had been pre-circulated and advised that since the report had been prepared a further 3 letters of objection had been received and 10 letters in support.


Members sought questions of clarification around the following matters;


·       Why had the stack been allowed at the very minimum height being 4 metres above the roof height. Surely that was based on nothing going wrong with the incinerator particularly bearing in mind that there were houses 400m away;

·       Were there any representatives from the Environment Team present and if not, were they invited?;

·       Where did Chapter 6 of the ES sit?;

·       Were we aware of the location of the air quality interceptors which had been used to inform the information within the ES as the guidance given was that all chemicals identified were not at a significant level and within 450 metres of the proposed plant;

·       Members would have benefited from having the locations of the receptors identified;

·       Do we ask developers for the minimum standards or best practice?;

·       The report stated various pollutants however did it consider pollution from vehicles, trains etc?;

·       The report stated that water would be disposed of outside the Tees catchment area but where would that be?;


The objectors present made the following comments;


·       It was hard to keep up with the number of incinerators in this area;

·       Concerned at the greenwashing terms used;

·       This application had been put through the planning process without consultation;

·       This application appeared on the website the day before Christmas with greenwash title;

·       How could we trust the Council when they let this happen?;

·       Hazardous waste would be burnt;

·       There was no information regarding the feed stock;

·       There would be public, environmental and nature damage;

·       Would the environmental control be publicised?;

·       What about the people in the locality?;

·       Grangetown was the sixth most deprived ward in the Country where  health outcomes were poor and life expectancy was significantly lower than the national average. There were high levels of infant mortality and chronic illness. Mental health, anxiety and depression were higher too. All these were as a consequence of living in this setting;

·       There were other brownfield sites and land available for this kind of development;

·       If it had not been for social media many would not have known about this proposal;

·       What were the procedures in place to inform the general public?:

·       Do we have to rely on our local Councillors or is it down to the public to search the planning approvals?;

·       All applications should be in the public domain;

·       Applications in the past used to be advertised in the local press;

·       The Council needed to review their communications and perhaps they should be advertised in the council magazine?:

·       The receptors in Dormanstown were checked infrequently;

·       Portable receptors were not good enough;

·       There were companies which offer community monitoring services and these could be crown funded;

·       The air quality could be evidenced in residents medical records;

·       This was a hazardous waste incinerator burning paint sludge, resins,  ...  view the full minutes text for item 226.


R/2023/0836/FFM Change of use of former care home to 11, erection of 14 no.2.5 storey dwellings and 7 no.2 storey dwellings, including associated community spaces, car parking and infrastructure Normanby Hall Normanby Park Normanby Midlesbrough pdf icon PDF 304 KB


The Officer summarised the officer report which had been pre-circulated and referred to the 3 additional documents which had been received from objectors and were circulated to Members.


Members sought questions of clarification around the following matters;


·       The report referred to objections relating to the removal of 62 trees and then the reduction of 42 being the revised figure. It was not clear what the figure was in terms of retention. The information was referring to 20 being removed however this could be seen as 20 being removed under the TPO requirements;

·       There was no provision within the conditions to say what type of trees would be replanted and there were no details of the tree survey;

·       The original TPO listed the tree species;

·       On what basis had we justified the reduction in removal of trees, as 20 was a significant number;

·       If there had been no building taking place and the trees required maintenance would we not be enforcing under the TPO?;

·       Concerned about access and flooding. Was the report carried out on flooding in the knowledge that 20 trees were going to be removed?;

·       The statement advised that there would be no effect on biodiversity. How could that be if 20 trees were to be removed?;

·       Were the 20 trees going to be replaced with the same species?;

·       How was this area identified within the Local Plan?;

·       Why had the number of properties been reduced?;

·       Why had this area been chosen for development?;

·       According to the report the hall was in a poor state. Had you seen it deteriorate over the years?;

·       There were to be two accesses to the site, one being down a single width track, was that acceptable?;

·       Would there be any traffic exiting from Cricket Lane onto Ormesby Road?;

·       The original design was proposed for over 55’s whereas the current design was not in that style

·       Due to the fact that the Hall was Grade II * Listed would the building work be monitored at all stages?;


It was agreed that Council Procedure Rules be suspended to allow the meeting to continue beyond three hours.


The objectors present made the following comments:


·       Disappointed that the arborist originally objected to the removal of the trees and had now withdrawn that objection;

·       There was no root protection area;

·       The Ecology Report explained that flooding would occur;

·       The TPO stated that there should be minimum disturbance to protected trees;

·       Tree T1 was to remain but there were serious concerns that the proposed road was too close to its roots and could lead to the ancient trees death;

·       The majority of the objections had not been addressed through the Biodoversity Statement;

·       There was a 15 metre requirement for a wildlife corridor ;

·       Hedgehogs and bats would be disturbed along with many species of birds;

·       This was an important location for birds;

·       The construction layby would damage tree roots;

·       The Design and Access Statement would destroy the mature woodland, would increase flooding and there was no guarantee that the  ...  view the full minutes text for item 227.


R/2023/0837/LB Listed Building Consent for conversion of former care home into 11 residential apartments Normanby Hall Normanby Hall Park Normanby Middlesbrough pdf icon PDF 130 KB


The officer summarised the officer report which had been pre-circulated.


The objectors present made the following comments;


·       The planning application description still included development of bungalows, this application only referred to the development of the Hall;

·       No asbestos survey had been mentioned;

·       The report mentioned that the floor space in the apartments within the Hall would be small and they looked like they would be more suitable for student accommodation however they would not be able to afford the high maintenance charges;

·       All properties had to sell first before the Hall would be refurbished and therefore there was a danger that the Hall would never be developed;

·       Would question the addition of roof lights to a Listed Building;

·       The material costs would be excessive on a period property with the final cost running into millions of pounds;

·       There was no mention of the service to the apartments;

·       If the Hall had been maintained better it would not have fallen into such disrepair which demonstrated the applicants commitment;

·       Disgusted by the decision made on the previous application which you will live to regret;

·       The previous application included alms-houses and bungalows so what were you agreeing to?;

·       Was it about restoration and if so had Historic England been consulted?;

·       Would the restoration of the Hall ever happen?;

·       Recommend a number of legally binding conditions to ensure the Hall was restored which would guarantee this heritage site;

·       If the properties do not sell who will hold the developer to account?;

·       The Conservation Officer had been informed that the part of the Hall had been pulled down by the developer. Why had he not been sanctioned?;

·       The Heritage Statement advised that 1 or 2 storey dwellings were the appropriate scale so why was 3 storey allowed?;

·       The impact on the setting of the Hall would be negative;

·       The Heritage Statement LLP document stated that the grounds needed to be protected and the trees were a critical part;

·       Policy G1 of the TPO legislation protects any shrubs. G1 was a large area and it had been identified that a significant amount of woodland was to be removed;

·       A 15 metre buffer zone was required around the tree roots and this could not be achieved;

·       1.2 hectares of woodland was being removed which would have a significant impact on the Halls listed status;

·       G1 provided protection to significant and special birds and mammals;

·       There were bats roosting in Normanby Hall and therefore more bat boxes would be required;

·       The culvert was stone lined and was part of the Listed Building and would need to be retained however the pond would be on top of it.


The Ward Members present made the following comments;


·       There was so much confusion around the application;

·       Change of use was inaccurate;

·       The Hall was of huge local importance dating back to 1858 and being Grade II * Listed and it therefore required more careful consideration to ensure its characteristics were preserved;

·       Structural guidance had been given by Natural England;

·       The current  ...  view the full minutes text for item 228.


Delegated Decisions pdf icon PDF 97 KB


The Executive Director for Growth, Enterprise and Environment circulated a schedule of delegated decisions determined by the Executive Director for Growth, Enterprise and Environment under the delegated power procedure.




Appeal Information pdf icon PDF 51 KB


The Executive Director for Growth, Enterprise and Environment presented members with a schedule of the appeals which had been received.




Enforcement Schedule pdf icon PDF 55 KB


The Executive Director for Growth, Enterprise and Environment presented members with a schedule of enforcement actions which had been undertaken.




Deemed Consent Applications pdf icon PDF 75 KB


R/2024/0695/F3 Variation of condition 2 (Approved Plans) on planning approval R/2022/0717/F3M for proposed redevelopment of railway station to include repairs, refurbishment and internal and external alterations; creation of 10 commercial/retail units (class e) at ground floor with associated ancillary rooms; w/cs and rest room facilities ; storage units at first floor; solar panel array to roof; reinstate chimney and associated works Redcar Central Railway Station Station Road Redcar.


Deemed Consent granted subject to the following conditions:-


1.The development hereby permitted shall be carried out in accordance with the following approved plans:


Proposed ground floor plan received by the Local Planning Authority on 18/10/2024;

Proposed first floor plan received by the Local Planning Authority on 18/10/2024;

Proposed roof plan received by the Local Planning Authority on 18/10/2024;

Ground Floor Type Plan received by the Local Planning Authority on 18/10/2024;

Ground Floor Demolition and Renovations received by the Local Planning Authority on 18/10/2024;

Ground Floor Timber Refurbishment received by the Local Planning Authority on 18/10/2024;

First Floor Demolition and Renovations received by the Local Planning Authority on 18/10/2024;

First Floor Timber Refurbishment received by the Local Planning Authority on 18/10/2024;

Train Shed Roof Timber Replacement Repair received by the Local Planning Authority on 18/10/2024;

Demolition and Renovations Section received by the Local Planning Authority on 18/10/2024;

Central Roof Timber Remedial Works received by the Local Planning Authority on 18/10/2024;

Roof Demolition and Renovations received by the Local Planning Authority on 18/10/2024;

Remedial Works received by the Local Planning Authority on 18/10/2024;

Elevation Interventions received by the Local Planning Authority on 18/10/2024.


REASON: To accord with the terms of the planning application.


R/2024/0696/LB Listed Building Consent for variation of condition 2 (Approved Plans) to R/2022/0718/LB for proposed redevelopment of railway station to include repairs, refurbishment, internal and external alterations. Works to include removal of internal/external partition walls to create 10 commercial/retail units; addition of solar panel array to roof; reinstate chimney and associated works Redcar Central Railway Station, Station Road, Redcar.


Deemed consent granted subject to the following conditions:-


1.The development hereby permitted shall be carried out in accordance with the following approved plans:


Proposed ground floor plan received by the Local Planning Authority on 18/10/2024;

Proposed first floor plan received by the Local Planning Authority on 18/10/2024;

Proposed roof plan received by the Local Planning Authority on 18/10/2024;

Ground Floor Type Plan received by the Local Planning Authority on 18/10/2024;

Ground Floor Demolition and Renovations received by the Local Planning Authority on 18/10/2024;

Ground Floor Timber Refurbishment received by the Local Planning Authority on 18/10/2024;

First Floor Demolition and Renovations received by the Local Planning Authority on 18/10/2024;

First Floor Timber Refurbishment received by the Local Planning Authority on 18/10/2024;

Train Shed Roof Timber Replacement Repair received by the Local Planning Authority on 18/10/2024;

Demolition and Renovations Section received by the Local Planning Authority on 18/10/2024;

Central Roof Timber Remedial Works received by the Local Planning Authority on 18/10/2024;

Roof Demolition and Renovations received by the Local Planning Authority on 18/10/2024;

Remedial  ...  view the full minutes text for item 232.


Modernising Planning Committee pdf icon PDF 119 KB

Additional documents:


The Executive Director for Growth, Enterprise and Environment informed Members of the Government Paper in relation to modernising planning committeees.


The Government had stated their commitment to getting Britain Building. A number of working papers would be produced on different aspects of planning reform. This paper deals with planning committees in particular.


RESOLVED that the information and suggested changes contained within the report be noted.


Draft Guisborough Conservation Area Management Plan Consultation pdf icon PDF 98 KB

Additional documents:


The Executive Director for Growth, Enterprise and Environment informed Members of the public consultation of the Draft Guisborough Area Management Plan (Guisborough CAMP). The document had been published for consultation between 7 January 2025 and 18 February 2025.


He advised that conservation areas were designated to provide protection to parts of the historic environment that were of special architectural or historic interest. To ensure these conservation areas were preserved or enhances, local authorities were directed to formulate plans for their conservation.


The Draft Guisborough CAMP fulfils this requirement by illustrating the positives and negatives of the Guisborough Conservation Area and outlining how the Council would seek to preserve and enhance the historic interest and architectural character of the area. The report discussed the requirement for a CAMP and explained some of the key recommendations in the document. It also sets out the actions that had been undertaken to publicise the document.




Quarter 3 2023-2024 Performance Report pdf icon PDF 63 KB


The Executive Director for Growth, Enterprise and Environment circulated the Development Management Quarter 3 performance report.