Venue: Civic Centre
Contact: Adam Lynch-Brown
No. | Item |
Apologies for Absence Minutes: Apologies for absence were received from Councillors D Lavan, C Morgan, C Quartermain, P Salvin and S Smith. |
To confirm the Minutes of the meeting held on 21 August 2024 PDF 89 KB Minutes: RESOLVED that the minutes of the Flood Management Strategy Task and Finish Group held on Wednesday, 21 August 2024 be confirmed as a correct record. |
Declarations of Interest Minutes: |
Beach Management Plan Minutes: · The winter of 2023/24 saw the area get hit by a number of named storms. South Gare severely hit, and work continued with owner PD Ports to resolve. Engaging with STDC and owner of the Tingdene Beach Caravan Park regarding Coatham Dunes. Working with Natural England on the Flood Risk Assessment to investigate contamination. · The North East Coastal Group provided funding for consultants to develop the plan to enable the council to better understand and manage the coast. · The plan complements the Shoreline Management Plan, a national strategic approach. · Divided into policy units, focus on ‘holding the line’ the defences between sea and properties. Sand dunes are a defence, managed realignment allows for natural progress. · Redcar has two bays with little sediment loss. Groyne fields are functioning to protect sediment, no longshore drift seen. · The storm direction lifted material and took it offshore and the rapid succession of storms prevented recovery. Estimated 3-5 years for beaches to return to normal. · Outlined future monitoring and actions to cover entire frontage along with specific location-based plans and approaches. § Redcar – annual beach recovery, maintain the sea wall, repair the slipway with ramp extensions, remediate health and safety hazards due to low beach levels. § The Stray – repair sea wall and groyne fields. § Marske to Saltburn – maintain the monitoring of defences and beach levels. § Saltburn – two concerns: o Formation of shingle – should accrete sand and shingle so will continue annual shingle removal with trial placement areas. o Lowering of the foreshore – carrying out a feasibility of study of longer-term structural solutions to reduce incoming wave energy. · The coastline is relatively resilient and although it will recover work continued in the interim.
As part of the ensuing discussion the following questions/comments were made: · A member asked about issues at Skinningrove: o damaged jetty and slipway. o cliff erosion was a danger to the public. o fishermen have put in boulders at the boat park to enable access. o people unable to get to the beach. Officers advised that a post-storm walkover was conducted, and engineers were aware of cliff falls. · A member asked about details of the funding source for consultants. Officers advised the North East Coastal Group had a funding pot allocated by the Environment Agency (EA) which the council was able to draw £25,000 to undertake the walkover exercise and develop the Beach Management Plan. The council would be well placed to draw down funding if further amounts were made available using the plan. · Regarding Saltburn, a member lamented sand loss as a major concern with launches from the slipway not possible and no response to a submitted member enquiry. The Northumbrian Water outflow pipe was exposed as were the footings of the pier. The Cleveland Way path had been moved and would need to be moved again. Officers advised that an agreement was in place with County Durham ... view the full minutes text for item 26. |
Partnership Working: Northumbrian Water Minutes: Chair informed members that Northumbrian Water representatives would be attending the next meeting and asked members to suggest items for discussion on areas they would like a better understanding of. Officers advised that operational meetings between the council and Northumbrian Water take place each quarter and alongside separate ad hoc meetings officers have regular contact.
Themes identified: 1. Combined network: a. areas of responsibility between relevant stakeholders. b. drainage and Waste Water Management Plan. c. Who pays when a highway floods? 2. Effectiveness of inter-agency working. 3. Overview and scrutiny. 4. Impact of new developments such as housing estates, commercial development, and infrastructure.
It was agreed that members and officers could submit discussion themes to the secretariat by 20 September 2024.
Next Meeting: 30 September 2024 |