Agenda and minutes

Flood Management Strategy Task and Finish Panel - Wednesday, 10th July, 2024 11.45 am

Venue: Civic Centre

Contact: Adam Lynch-Brown  01642 444412

No. Item


Apologies for Absence


Apologies for absence were received from Councillors A Brown, C Morgan, L Myer, V Rider, and S Smith; NOTED.


To confirm the Minutes of the meeting held on 18 June 2024 pdf icon PDF 69 KB


RESOLVED that the minutes of the Flood Management Strategy Task and Finish Group held on Tuesday, 18 June 2024 be confirmed as a correct record.


Declarations of Interest


There were no declarations of interest; NOTED.


Flood Management Strategy Presentation


Officers delivered a Flood Management presentation covering the following main points:

·         Extreme weather events are becoming more frequent leading to more intense rain fall and the current drainage network isn’t able to cope.

·         Cyclical Maintenance Programme. Survey and data analysis through XAIS asset management system will support the gully clearance programme.

·         Reactive Maintenance. Bronze/Silver/Gold system in place to manage call outs, cannot offer an emergency response.

·         Drainage Improvement Programme.

·         Flood Defence Schemes works in progress and Environment Agency initiatives.


As part of the ensuing discussion members raise the following issues:

·         Gullies overflowing – the mapping process from the survey and use of AI will support programme of works.

·         Timescale for completion of surveys – survey has commenced with an expected three-month process to completion when the outcomes will be assessed to determine programme.

·         Impact of tree planting, especially on residential streets – the survey will include this data, but the team are also working with colleagues in Neighbourhoods regarding the sweeping programme.

·         Vehicle parking can prevent gully clearance – survey data will help planning and enable notifications to be issued, text messaging service being considered along with closer working with Beyond Housing. Using new tools and technology to improve communication with residents.

·         The percentage of ‘hotspots’ under the council’s remit – discovering that general maintenance over several years has been lacking and as resources are stretched the programme has been more reactive than proactive.

·         Interaction with Wildlife Trust around the issues pertaining to Coatham marsh.

·         Coastal erosion and changes to the beaches – officers working closely with lead authority and have funding to work on South Gare and Saltburn. Current issues not affected by longshore drift or groynes, but the way storms have hit the coastline. Maintaining land retention and only losing that which is allowed to naturally regress. The Beach Management Plan to be ready by autumn 2024. There is a need to balance costs and engineering works need to be done in a way that does not create potential long-term problems.

·         TVCA involvement – focus on transport with an aim to develop active travel. Council receive a block of funding from TVCA.


The following actions were identified:

1.    Chair requested data on pinch points where gullies have flooded and streams overflow.

2.    A member asked for an invitation to be extended to officers from the neighbourhood team to gain their perspective.

3.    A member suggested that council use BBC Weather instead of the Met Office when preparing.

4.    A member asked for clarification of where waterway pollution sits within the priorities and strategies.

5.    A member suggested exploring funding opportunities that may be available.

6.    A member asked for the data showing impact of new developments.

7.    A member requested a precis of the government requirements for the strategy.

8.    A member asked what could be done about the Environment Agency in Darlington holding the key to Skinningrove floodgates.


Scope and Terms of Reference


This item was not covered.


Next Meeting: 31 July 2024