Agenda and draft minutes

Growth Scrutiny & Improvement Committee - Thursday, 12th September, 2024 10.00 am

Venue: Civic Centre, Ridley Street, Redcar, Yorkshire, TS10 1TD

Contact: Adam Lynch-Brown 

No. Item


To confirm the Minutes of the meeting held on 18 July 2024 and note the Attendance Matrix pdf icon PDF 92 KB

Additional documents:


RESOLVED that the minutes of the Growth Scrutiny & Improvement Committee held on Thursday 18 July 2024 be confirmed and signed by the Chair as a correct record.



Declarations of Interest


There were no declarations of interest; NOTED.



Skills Strategy pdf icon PDF 104 KB

Additional documents:


The Assistant Director, Growth and Enterprise, presented the paper.


Areas highlighted included:

·         Background to the approach being taken for strategies.

·         Five principles: Partnership working; developing young people; workforce upskilling; well planned provision; Teesworks and other sites.

·         Success measures.


As part of the ensuing discussion the following questions/comments were made:

·         A member commended the approach to upskilling the workforce and developing skills for the future workforce.

·         A member asked if the provision would include apprenticeships. Officers advised that apprentices were not specifically included but would form part of the wider approach of companies.

·         A member asked for clarification of the approach in the 1-2 year timescale. Officers advised that the creation of the Skills Consortium would provide a dedicated group to agree the strategy between the council and local providers. Determined as being under consideration rather than a commitment due to funding.

·         A member commended the approach to include secondary schools as there was a career gap in that stage of education. Officers advised there are now large employers in the borough that were committed to engaging with schools. An update on Teesworks will be brought to committee.


RESOLVED that the information in the paper be noted.



MFC Foundation - Loftus Football Facility pdf icon PDF 3 MB

Additional documents:


The Assistant Director, Growth and Enterprise, presented the paper.


Areas highlighted within the paper included:

·         Partnership at the request of the Foundation preferring to use the council’s expertise and experience.

·         The rental arrangement reflected improvement the development will bring to the area.

·         Timescale outlined with completion targeted for June 2026.


As part of the ensuing discussion the following questions/comments were made:

·         A member commended the progress in improvements being made to Loftus.

·         Chair stated that the Committee was very happy to see the project going forward, good for the borough as a whole and commended the MFC Foundation.


RESOLVED that the information in the paper be noted.



Quarter 1 Performance Report pdf icon PDF 595 KB


The Assistant Director, Growth and Enterprise, presented the report with data updated to September 2024.


Areas highlighted within the report included:

·         Place Development Investment area growth plans in Redcar, East Cleveland, and Greater Eston.

·         Westgate and Challoner Street application was deferred following conversations with local tenants and businesses during a positive meeting. Comms were scheduled to go out.

·         Summary of progress of Levelling Up Partnership projects. Officers met with Government, and it would be business as usual for LUP and there was a hope that would also be the case for other Levelling Up funds.

·         The Care Leavers Housing, Family Hubs, and Residential Care Homes Levelling Up Partnership projects were planned with a view to reducing the council’s costs. A consultation regarding suitable locations for Care Leavers Housing was ongoing with location based on need.

·         Planning & Development data showing planning application performance metrics with an explanation as to percentage targets and the number of housing completions in Q1. Performance has reduced over time owing to resource implications.

·         Housing is outperforming the rest of the Tees Valley.

·         Business engagement activities including the nature of support being provided to Anglo American employees.

·         Current challenges for business engagement such as accessing UKSPF funding and future of Teesworks.

·         Adult Learning Service Ofsted action plan shared.


As part of the ensuing discussion the following questions/comments were made:

·         A member asked about the proof of funding for the Coatham Arena Development. Officers advised that planning permission need sot granted by January 2027 and a submission made by November 2024. A full business case must also be presented to council.

·         A member reiterated the need to better signpost Changing Places. Officers advised that Beach Base toilets were open when the facility was open, and the operator took on facilities management. Officers will find out when facilities at Tuned In are open.

·         A member asked whether there was a timeframe for completion of the Bakehouse Square works. Officers advised that it had been agreed by all parties that the work was not completed to an acceptable standard so the cobbles would be replaced, and the timescale was to be confirmed. Lessons had been learned and would be acted upon going forward. The site had not been returned to the council.

·         A member iterated that it was important for the council to get the comms right so that residents are fully updated and aware that the council was not to blame. Officers advised that the contractor was a quality provider with a history of works completed that had been properly tendered for.

·         A member stated that the locations of Care Leavers Housing would need to be well communicated so that residents were fully informed.

·         A member asked what the new government’s approach to housing was expected to be. Officers advised that a consultation was in progress and the local plan would need to be revisited once the government’s position was clear, law was in place, and regulations defined.

·         Chair advised that the Ofsted Task and Finish group was focussed  ...  view the full minutes text for item 32.


Place Investment Team Progress Update pdf icon PDF 125 KB

The Chair has requested that if Members of the Committee have any questions relating to this item, could these please be submitted in advance to allow the Officers to provide a full response at the meeting.


The Head of Place Development and Investment provided an update on the current Place Investment Projects.


The discussion point from the report was the Redcar Station development.

·         Grade 2 listed building with complex challenges including listed building consent, heritage conservation, and live line works.

·         The development will be mixed use and an iconic gateway to the town that is complementary to regeneration works that are being undertaken.

·         Funding has been drawn from Levelling Up Partnership (£6.7m), TVCA (£2.17m), and Railway Heritage Trust (£114k).

·         The programme was due to run for 66 weeks with completion by end of August 2025.

·         Members were offered the opportunity to undertake a site visit.


As part of the ensuing discussion the following questions/comments were made:

·         A member asked about meeting disability needs, specifically with bridge access to platforms. Officers advised that this would be raised with TVCA.

·         A member asked if agreement had been reached with Eston Town Centre freeholders. Officers advised that there was progress being made and the Business Engagement team were supporting retailers.

·         A member asked about progress with Active Travel. Officers advised that this was awaiting ministerial sign off through MHCLG.


RESOLVED that the information in the report be noted.



Outside Bodies Update pdf icon PDF 123 KB


The Chair invited updates from Members who had attended meetings of Outside Bodies that were relevant to the Growth Scrutiny & Improvement Committee.


·         No outside body feedback was provided.


Committee secretary to contact councillors in advance of the meeting to obtain feedback from respective outside bodies – NOTED.



Action Update pdf icon PDF 82 KB


Actions were discussed and the log updated – NOTED.


Work Programme 2024/25 pdf icon PDF 194 KB


The work programme was updated following feedback from members. The schedule for 2024/25 has been shared with members and new items may be proposed as work progresses – NOTED.



Any items the Chair certifies as urgent
