Agenda and minutes

Growth Scrutiny & Improvement Committee - Thursday, 18th July, 2024 10.00 am

Venue: Civic Centre, Ridley Street, Redcar, Yorkshire, TS10 1TD

Contact: Adam Lynch-Brown 

No. Item


To confirm the Minutes of the meeting held on 6 June 2024 and note the attendance matrix. pdf icon PDF 98 KB

Additional documents:


RESOLVED that the minutes of the Growth Scrutiny & Improvement Committee held on Thursday 6 June 2024 be confirmed and signed by the Chair as a correct record, and Councillor Cawley to be added to the attendance matrix.


Declarations of Interest.


Councillor Pallister declared a pecuniary interest relating to the FROG Community Hub – NOTED.


Q4 Performance Report pdf icon PDF 618 KB


The Assistant Director, Growth and Enterprise, presented the held over Q4 performance report with data updated to July 2024.


Areas highlighted within the report included:

·         Place Development Investment Area Growth Plans for Redcar, Guisborough and Greater Eston.

·         Coatham Beach Base had a soft launch during the Kite Festival, scheduled to be formally opened in August 2024.

·         Eston precinct negotiations with options being considered.

·         Summary of the Eston Long Term Plan for Towns funding.

·         Breakdown of Levelling Up Partnership projects.

·         Planning & Development performance data presented along with data showing housing completions.

·         Business Support / Engagement included supporting businesses to apply for Rural England Prosperity Fund. As that fund is integrated into the UKSPF the allocation is managed by TVCA.

·         Update on progress with town centre management included external stakeholder engagement with the Association of Town and City Management and Teesside University Place Management students.

·         Challenges include the ongoing delays in roll out of UKSPF grant funding and understanding future Teesworks development plans.

·         Employment Growth and Adult Learning data presented.

·         Ofsted action plan including key milestones and forward look.


As part of the ensuing discussion the following questions/comments were made:

·         A member asked about the contract and delays with the Bakehouse project and contracts regarding the Westage project. Officers advised that council would not be liable for delays and a contractor had not been appointed for Westgate.

·         A member asked how long it would take for the Redcar Station project to complete. Officers advised they would confirm details and inform members.

·         A member asked about the mechanics around residential care homes. Officers explained the process of acquiring capital funding, producing a business case for purpose and revenue costs and progression into tendering.

·         A member asked about addressing the stop/start approach to house building that can jeopardise meeting targets. Officers advised that legislation allows for revocation and planning applications had to align with local plan for housing.

·         A member asked what the new bill containing deferred powers would mean for the council and if there was space for a new town. Officers advised that there is no green belt in Teesside. The government was not looking at new towns, but urban extensions and it would be a policy choice by the council.

·         A member asked how long remained on the local plan for housing. Officers advised that it was a 15-year plan to be reviewed after 5 years but awaiting government guidance on housing numbers before progressing with the review. Officers also advised that the government was yet to announce major strategic decisions as well as the role of the National Infrastructure Commission.

·         A member asked about the cost per head of the 378 learners moving into employment. Officers advised that these figures would be shared with councillors.

·         Members commended the work done by the staff following the Ofsted inspection. Officers advised that learner achievement stood at its highest level and learner feedback had been very positive and this had been documents through Learner Voice.

·         A member asked whether the boating lake was  ...  view the full minutes text for item 22.


Place Investment Team Progress Update. pdf icon PDF 226 KB

The Chair has requested that if Members of the Committee have any questions relating to this item, could these please be submitted in advance to allow the Officers to provide a full response at the meeting.


The Head of Place Development and Investment provided an update on the current Place Investment Projects – NOTED.


Outside Bodies Update pdf icon PDF 123 KB


The Chair invited updates from Members who had attended meetings of Outside Bodies that were relevant to the Growth Scrutiny & Improvement Committee.


Committee secretary to contact councillors in advance of the meeting to obtain feedback from respective outside bodies – NOTED.


Action Update pdf icon PDF 77 KB


Actions were discussed and the log updated – NOTED.


Work Programme 2024/25 pdf icon PDF 194 KB


The work programme was updated following feedback from members. The schedule for 2024/25 has been shared with members and new items may be proposed as work progresses – NOTED.


Any items the Chair certifies as urgent.


TVCA are currently reviewing the outcome of the Teesworks Review report. The item on the Teesworks Review, due to be presented at the July meeting of this committee with an invitation to members of the Corporate Resources & Governance Scrutiny & Improvement Committee, to be rescheduled and members notified of the new date – NOTED.


A member asked about the ownership and plans for the bus station that has been derelict for some time. Officers advised that an approach will be made to ascertain ownership, current plans, and what the council can do.