Agenda and minutes

Borough Council - Thursday, 27th June, 2024 2.00 pm

Venue: Civic Centre, Ridley Street, Redcar, Yorkshire, TS10 1TD

Contact: Mrs E J Dale 

No. Item


To receive Declarations of Interest.


Councillor Hannaway declared an interest in all matters relating to Saltburn Food Festival as a financial beneficiary.


To confirm the accuracy of the Minutes of the meeting held on 16 May 2024. pdf icon PDF 156 KB


RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting held on the 16 May 2024 be confirmed and signed by the Chair as a correct record.


To note the attendance matrix from the last meeting pdf icon PDF 274 KB


RESOLVED that the attendance matrix be noted.


To receive any Announcements from the Mayor, the Leader of the Council or Cabinet Members.


The highlight in our borough since we last met was undoubtedly the events to mark the 80th anniversary of the D-Day landings.

The parade and reconstruction were a fitting tribute to the many servicemen and women who served their country with distinction in the largest seaborne operation in history.

They played a crucial role in liberating Western Europe from the Nazis and we will never forget those who took part and particularly those who gave their lives for freedom.

I would like to congratulate and thanks all those involved in such a moving event.

This Saturday, our borough will celebrate Armed Forces Day.

There will be a parade of past and present military personnel on Redcar High Street, stall hosted by military and local charities and entertainment for all the family.

I hope as many people as possible will attend to pay tribute to past and presents servicemen and women.

Our borough was in the national spotlight again last weekend as we hosted British Cycling’s National Road Championships.

Elite riders raced through the beautiful towns and countryside of East Cleveland and there was plenty of entertainment for all the family.

The weather was kind to us as well and all this contributed to an event to remember.

It was fantastic to see that both Saltburn and Redcar beaches had once again won prestigious Keep Britain Tidy awards.

The beaches met high standards for cleanliness, safety and water quality.

We know how beautiful our coastline is and the awards demonstrate what a great attraction we are for visitors also.



To receive any Announcements from the Managing Director (Head of Paid Service).


There were no announcements from the Managing Director.


To consider Questions from the Public for which Notice has been given.


No questions had been received from Members of the Public.


To receive Reports from Portfolio Holders. pdf icon PDF 494 KB

A)   Report of the Cabinet Member for Climate Change and Culture (HEREWITH)


(A period of 10 minutes, or such longer period at the discretion of the Mayor, will be set aside for questions which must be succinct and relate directly to matters within the report).

Additional documents:


Report of the Cabinet Member for Climate Change and Culture.


Councillor Richardson presented a report which gave an update on her portfolio and answered Members’ questions in relation to it.


To consider Motions.


No motions had been received.


To appoint Members.

Where there are vacancies or changes in appointment:

·         To appoint Members of Council Bodies and Representatives to serve on other bodies to which Members are appointed by the Council; and

·         To approve any changes to Committee membership and to appoint Chairs and Vice Chairs where appropriate.


There were no changes to Committees or Outside Bodies to report.


To reply to Questions from Members of the Council. pdf icon PDF 70 KB

Questions to the Chair, Members of the Cabinet, Chairs of any Committee or Sub-Committee, Members of the Fire Authority, Police and Crime Panel or the Tees Valley Combined Authority Scrutiny Committee, for which notice has been given.


Question from Councillor Kay to Councillor Quartermain, Cabinet Member for Highways and Transport.


A day never passes without my receiving a complaint, or hearing a comment, about the pot-holed state of Stanghow Road, which runs for three miles from the A171 at Lockwood Beck, via Stanghow Village and Lingdale, to Skelton.  There are incidents of vehicles swerving to avoid potholes and of others being seriously damaged, resulting in potential claims against this Council.  Not to mention the perils to life and limb.


Stanghow Road is due for resurfacing in 2025-26, but this is unacceptably late, considering its parlous state.  In answer to my requests the Council has done some minimal pothole filling and patching.  But, this work has been totally inadequate when you consider the parlous state of large sections of this dangerous and damaging road.


The engineers have refused to bring the resurfacing work forward, claiming there are other roads in an even worse state.  I’d like to know where they are.


The current neglect of Stanghow Road is a glaring example of how East Cleveland is constantly neglected when compared with the down-town, western areas of the Borough.  The shocking state of Stanghow Road would never be tolerated in Redcar or Greater Eston.


Were he to experience Stanghow Road for himself, I’m sure the Cabinet Member would come to the same conclusion as I:  that immediate comprehensive resurfacing is demanded.


Therefore, will the Cabinet Member undertake to take his life in his hands and drive the full length of Stanghow Road, in both directions, from the A171 to Skelton and back, so that he can see and feel for himself that long sections of Stanghow Road should be completely resurfaced without further delay or prevarication? “



Q1. Question from Councillor Kay to Councillor Quartermain, Cabinet Member for Highways and Transport.


“A day never passes without my receiving a complaint, or hearing a comment, about the pot-holed state of Stanghow Road, which runs for three miles from the A171 at Lockwood Beck, via Stanghow Village and Lingdale, to Skelton.  There are incidents of vehicles swerving to avoid potholes and of others being seriously damaged, resulting in potential claims against this Council.  Not to mention the perils to life and limb.


Stanghow Road is due for resurfacing in 2025-26, but this is unacceptably late, considering its parlous state.  In answer to my requests the Council has done some minimal pothole filling and patching.  But, this work has been totally inadequate when you consider the parlous state of large sections of this dangerous and damaging road.


The engineers have refused to bring the resurfacing work forward, claiming there are other roads in an even worse state.  I would like to know where they are.


The current neglect of Stanghow Road is a glaring example of how East Cleveland is constantly neglected when compared with the downtown, western areas of the Borough.  The shocking state of Stanghow Road would never be tolerated in Redcar or Greater Eston.


Were he to experience Stanghow Road for himself, I’m sure the Cabinet Member would come to the same conclusion as I, that immediate comprehensive resurfacing is demanded.


Therefore, will the Cabinet Member undertake to take his life in his hands and drive the full length of Stanghow Road, in both directions, from the A171 to Skelton and back, so that he can see and feel for himself that long sections of Stanghow Road should be completely resurfaced without further delay or prevarication?“


Councillor Quartermain replied as follows:-


“The carriageway treatment programme is a data led prioritisation of the entire network. Every road in the borough was surveyed to nationally recognised standards, given a condition rating and ranked worst to best.


The yearly programme was determined from the budget available each year for highway resurfacing, to deal with the roads in the worst condition. Stanghow Road is programmed for resurfacing in the 25/26 programme. It is not in the 24/25 programme because there are other roads in the borough that require intervention first based on the data collected. A list of these roads can be found in the circulated indicative 6-year programme.


Some roads can deteriorate faster than anticipated at which point we would look to review the programme. Engineers have undertaken a further review of Stanghow Road on site in April 2024 and again on the 20June and determined that the carriageway was in average condition. Some patching work was identified in isolated areas, for which work orders have been raised.


Regular inspections of the network in line with standards will continue, and any safety critical defects will be dealt with when required.”


Supplementary Question from Councillor Kay:-


“Will the Cabinet Member do as I ask and drive along it himself,  ...  view the full minutes text for item 110.