Venue: Virtual
Contact: Adam Lynch-Brown
No. | Item |
Welcome, Introductions and Apologies for Absence. Minutes: SH welcomed everyone to the meeting and introductions were made. Apologies for absence were received as above. |
Declarations of Any Other Business. Minutes: SH advised that the replacement board member notified to the Board at the previous meeting has yet to be confirmed. |
Minutes of the Previous Meeting: 23 July 2024 and Matters Arising a. Agreement of minutes as a true record
b. Actions from the previous meeting
c. Matters arising not covered elsewhere on the agenda Minutes: Agreement of minutes as a true record The minutes of the previous meeting were accepted as a true and accurate record of the meeting. Proposer, Beth Major Seconder, Councillor Alec Brown
Actions from the previous meeting Actions from the previous meeting were reviewed, papers circulated as requested.
Matters arising not covered elsewhere on the agenda. None. |
Declarations of Interest in relation to items to be discussed at the meeting of 25 September 2024 Minutes: JA declared a pecuniary interest in the Town Centre Grant Scheme Update agenda item. |
Governance Review Outcomes - 5 minutes Minutes: RS presented a summary for the board’s consideration.
Updated Terms of Reference to include governance around publication of minutes.
Register of Interest and Code of Conduct annual update required from each member.
Board advised of the requirement to produce an annual report. Suggested content: · SH – achievements to date. · SW – when published would be an opportunity to show progress; include background of board members; ‘You Said We Did’. · MP – be transparent about the challenges faced and how these were addressed. · JF – include case studies such as the Energy hub. · JA – ensure social values are captured. · LA – case studies on Clean and Green and Beach Base; social value analysis for completed projects; timeline for projects and overarching timeline for programme.
Vice Chair to be selected, interested members to discuss with CC or SH.
Programme Dashboard - 10 minutes Minutes: RS presented the key messages from the dashboard.
Change request submitted to government with a 6–8-week turnaround.
Confident that the town centre project will be delivered within the programme deadlines.
There was a slight risk that that the anchor attraction may not meet programme completion dates – will update further at next meeting, following discussions with contractor. Reasons for this were provided to the board.
Outline risks and milestones, forward look, budget breakdown, variances and value engineering data.
Development of dashboard to include more detail and metrics for social value. To be discussed at the next steering group meeting. |
Steering Group Updates - 15 minutes Minutes: SH gave an update on the first meeting of the amalgamated steering group. · Funding was transferred to offset costs and awaited MHCLG confirmation. · City Regional Sustainable Transport funding application made to TVCA and if approved could, in part, be used to increase the area of paving in the High Street to be improved. · Growth Zone funding identified for some Station Road/Queens St/Esplanade improvements (pending outcome of CRSTS1 application above). Application would need to be approved by TVCA. · Projects may affect access for some businesses, clear communication will be undertaken. · Further liaison would be needed with businesses including engagement with the market. · Materials (panels) proposed will be placed on public display in due course. · Key risks summarised with a clear need to develop marketing and communications.
LA clarified the funding used to carry out the work. · City Region Sustainable Transport Settlements (CRSTS1 Access to Towns) bid made through TVCA for Station Road, Queen Street, Esplanade and High Street.
SW specified the collaborative approach with TVCA.
BM commended the project team for the progress made.
SH gave an update on the anchor attraction. · Key risks from achieving value engineering targets, continued programme delays and unforeseen ground obstructions. · Completion of demolition is delayed due to condition of surrounding walls and need for further design work and (party wall) agreements. · Number of operators showed an interest both leisure and food/beverage. · A campaign to name the attraction would be launched.
SW shared an example with the board that demonstrated an offer which was successful elsewhere. SH acknowledged it was a good example of a creative offer.
SH gave an update on Beach Base. · Imaginative Productions were working well with the project and event teams. · Funding for an access ramp to the beach has been identified but need to explore Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSIs) designation.
JAr presented an update on Communications and Social Value. Key areas for development included: · Collect qualitative as well as quantitative data by talking to businesses. · Develop website analytics and website development. · Improve public perception by revisiting social values. · Reach and demographic of marketing strategy, use of videos in social media. · Addition of social value to website banner.
LA indicated that website options may also include timeline on website and would welcome resource support re: comms and vlogs etc. from the board.
RS proposed comms update broken down by project and requested support from the board to get messaging out.
JAr advised that ideas around business KPIs were discussed. JF to liaise with project team about the BP official launch of 20 apprenticeship places.
SH asked the board to confirm willingness to continue as project champions, or to take on the role. Further details would follow. |
Town Centre grant scheme update - 10 minutes Minutes: CSta summarised the Town Centre Grant Scheme briefing note. · Programme variations submitted to TVCA to extend the programme timescales. · Have approached target businesses identified during prioritisation exercise to advise that grant applications could be made.
JF asked why the number of applications made was so low compared to the number of EOIs. CSta advised that some businesses were progressing on different timescales and some not interested but that the application process was straightforward, and support was available to businesses completing the application, and had been used. BA advised that in some cases the business owner was not the landlord.
JAr commented that getting x3 quotes can be challenging. LP advised that flexibility was being exercised and HD confirmed that measures were put in place to ensure VFM.
HD presented mapped out areas of interest and grant categories which indicated a good spread of projects across the town. |
Programme outputs and outcomes - 15 minutes Minutes: RS presented outputs and outcomes tracking.
Advised that the next reporting period to government was approaching.
Surveys were being undertaken which would enable a year-on-year comparison.
SW asked if vacancy rates could be baselined as this would be useful to board members.
SH commented that the tracking was useful. |
Any Other Business. Minutes: SW asked if there was a plan for other vacant properties outside of the board showing the context and wider plans. A report will be presented to the next Board meeting. |
Date and Time of Next Meeting: 27th November 2024, 5 p.m. |