Agenda and minutes

Redcar Town Deal Board - Tuesday, 23rd July, 2024 5.00 pm

Venue: Redcar & Cleveland Borough Council Civic Centre

Contact: Adam Lynch-Brown 

No. Item


Welcome, Introductions and Apologies for Absence.


CC welcomed everyone to the meeting and introductions were made. Apologies for absence were received as above.


CC extended thanks to Jacob Young for his work on the board and welcomed Anna Turley, newly elected Member of Parliament for Redcar.



Declarations of Any Other Business.


CC advised that a replacement board member has been proposed and officers will begin the process according to the governance arrangements.


Minutes of the Previous Meeting: 27 June 2024 pdf icon PDF 130 KB

a)    Agreement of minutes as a true record

b)    Actions from the previous meeting

c)    Matters arising not covered elsewhere on the agenda


The minutes of the previous meeting were accepted as a true and accurate record of the meeting.

Proposer: Stella Hall

Seconder: Jenny Archer


Actions from the previous meeting were reviewed.

Papers have been circulated as requested and items included within the agenda to be considered by the board during the meeting.


Matters arising not covered elsewhere on the agenda.



Declarations of Interest in relation to items to be discussed at the meeting of 23 July 2024


JS declared a non-pecuniary interest as the library is a council facility.


Anchor Attraction Options


AC presented the range of options for the board’s consideration.


Summary provided showing the budget position and value engineering savings.


The agreed recommendations adopted by the board were reviewed by Council and owing to budget interventions and accommodation constraints the approach for the Anchor Attraction had to be revisited.


The amount of savings required was explained and four options presented that would allow the Anchor Attraction to be viable.


Each option was accompanied by a SWOT analysis with risk assessment and cost estimates.


The board considered the following options: Keep library in Anchor and not progress Esplanade project; Keep library in Anchor and not progress High Street project; Remove library from Anchor and locate to High Street; Remove library from Anchor and locate to other Council asset.


The board recognised the importance of attracting people into the town for cultural and educational purposes and social value of the library.


Additional funding opportunities were discussed such as approaches to TVCA in respect of active travel, matched funding from local industry, and potential approaches that may be take by the new government.


The importance of the High Street featured in the survey was discussed and the board were advised by officers that projects that have not been progressed could be revisited should further funding opportunities arise in the future.


The board resolved to agree the preferred recommendation noting that the decisions made were difficult and based upon what was known at the time.


Next steps would involve discussions with contractors and a proposal to the Ministry for Housing, Communities and Local Government.


Any Other Business.




Date and Time of Next Meeting: 25th September 2024, 5 p.m.