Venue: Redcar and Cleveland Civic Centre
Contact: Caroline Leng
No. | Item |
Minutes: RESOLVED that the minutes of the Adults, Wellbeing & Health Scrutiny & improvement Committee held of the 15 July 2024 be confirmed and signed by the Chair as a correct record, and the attendance matrix be noted. |
Declarations of Interest Minutes: There following declarations of interest were disclosed by Councillor Lavan: - Board of Trustees for South Tees Health Workers - Specialist Dementia Nurse - Director of Laven Dementia Care Services, NOTED. |
Growing Older Coordinator with Redcar CAB Strategy and Policy Development/Review Minutes: This agenda item was deferred to a future meeting, NOTED. |
Scrutiny Review of Unpaid Carers PDF 4 MB · Carers Experiences in Redcar and Cleveland (Carers Together) · Commissioned Carers Services Additional documents: Minutes: The Executive Director for Adults & Communities advised Members that a Task and Finish Group will be convened between this Scrutiny Improvement Committee and Children’s and Families Scrutiny & Improvement Committee to undertake a scrutiny review of support for parents / carers of young people going through transitions. The Chairs, Vice Chairs and Executive Directors of each committee met to discuss the scope of this review ensuring it is specific, focused and achievable. Updates will be brought to each committee.
The Committee requested further information on ‘access to carers services’ and an ‘overview of commissioned carers services’. To address this request, the Chief Operating Officer (COO) for Carers Together shared a report with Members from Carers Week called “No choice but to care” reporting on data gathered from unpaid carers nationally and what recommendations Carers Together provided to the national government. A presentation was tabled covering data on carers in Redcar & Cleveland specifically focusing on accessing carer services in the rural part of the borough.
As part of the ensuing discussion, the following comments and questions were noted:
· Members noted that Redcar and Cleveland performed statistically better compared to national figures with regards to waiting lists for social worker visits, this was positive. · · Members queried the percentage of carers who access the service per postcode, stating 43% was low. The COO responded that not all carers require support from the service and some carers don’t acknowledge they are a ‘carer’ if they are looking after a close family relative. The service strive to ensure as many carers are aware of the service and know how to make contact should they decide to. The COO took away an ACTION to share a list of activities with Members. · · A Member queried if the service liaises or signposts carers to the Citizens Advice Bureau. The COO replied that the service would advise carers to contact the bureau if they needed specific guidance, such as benefits or welfare advice. · · Members noted the average age range of carers, the isolation many feel if they are housebound and further gave examples of carers in their constituencies who would benefit from accessing the service. The COO encouraged Members to share the services contact details with any carers within their constituencies or families. A link toCarers Together would be added to the minutes. · · A Member queried if GP surgeries refer patients to Carers Together. The COO stated that only one surgery in Guisborough currently do this. However, the service are aware that many carers defer their own health needs being assessed or treated, therefore the service can support carers, for example, they can arrange for the person they care for to be looked after whilst they attend appointments. · · The COO will be invited to a future meeting to present information analysis on non-rural areas, a breakdown of the services work and engagement activities, and the number of registered carers who do not actively access the service versus the number of carers who actively access the service, ACTION for ... view the full minutes text for item 47. |
Relevant Cabinet Reports PDF 137 KB Would Members please bring their copy of the Cabinet Workbook with them to the meeting (these papers will follow)
· Adult Social Care Strategy 2024/25 · Adult Safeguarding Annual Report 2023/24
Monitoring and Oversight Additional documents: Minutes: The Adult Social Care Strategy 2024/25 and Adult Safeguarding Annual Report 2023/24 will be presented to Cabinet in this cycle.
The Executive Director for Adults and Communities provided Members with an update regarding the Transformation Programme, spending restrictions imposed upon the Council, and how this affects the Adults and Communities Directorate.
The Safeguarding Annual Report 2023/24 noted a reduction in safeguarding enquiries stating that a more robust system to review concerns was introduced and more cases are resolved without escalation. These decisions are audited internally and within the Teeswide Adults Safeguarding Board (TSAB) Audits network. The highest number of safeguarding enquiries pertain to neglect and acts of omission and there continues to be increased deprivation of liberty safeguards activity, NOTED.
The Adult Social Care Strategy 2024/25 was updated to reflect the Transformation Team work and to provide more clarity on KPIs and actions. The actions are listed under the four principles of listening, information & advice, reablement and quality care and align alongside CQC recommendations and best practice. The actions within the strategy are envisaged to be achieved within a ten-year timeframe, NOTED. |
Sexual Health Service Update (Public Health) PDF 234 KB Minutes: This agenda item was brought forward prior to agenda item 6.
The Public Health South Tees Sexual Health Lead & Tees Sexual Health Contract Manager (Public Health Lead/Manager) presented key challenges facing the service, headlines from the sexual health review in May/June 2024, performance and achievement rates, changes to the service model from the 01 August 2024, and key service outcomes the service will be measured against.
As part of the ensuing discussion, the following comments and questions were noted:
· Members requested confirmation on what ages unwanted teenage pregnancy is measured and at what age is cervical screening commenced. The Public Health Lead/Manager responded that unwanted teenage pregnancy is recorded between 15 and 17 years of age and cervical screening commences from 25 years of age. · Members noted the difficulties of accessing a doctor’s appointment specifically if a female patient request a female doctor. The Public Health Lead/Manager informed Members there are changes being introduced to the service model adding additional appointments into the system including STI testing. · A Member requested some additional information regarding the percentage increase in STI detection rates. The Public Health Lead/Manager stated the service has seen an increase in testing including a pilot scheme testing blood samples, which has reported high detection rates. There is a strategy to promote use of condoms to prevent unwanted pregnancies and the transmission of STIs.
The Public Health Lead/Manager was invited to attend a future meeting and provide an update on contracts, KPIs and communication, ACTION for the Public Health Lead/Manager and Secretary, NOTED. |
Quarter One Performance Reports Including PDF 863 KB · Commissioning and Social Care Resources · Operations · Communities & Health
Information Items Additional documents:
Minutes: The Quarter One Performance Report for Commissioning and Social Care Resources was presented informing Members of developments within the service, the movement from analogue to digital telecare systems and cost implications.
As part of the ensuing discussion, the following comments and questions were noted:
· Members requested clarity regarding use of provision, accessibility and marketing. The Assistant Director replied that housing providers will give priority to tenants in receipt of social care support and the marketing materials will be circulated more widely to attract more occupants; NOTED.
The Quarter One Performance Report for Operations was presented informing Members of data trends and movement within the service, pressures within service areas, strength based training that has taken place and will continue to take place with positive changes in practice already evident and identified risks within the service with corresponding solutions taking place.
As part of the ensuing discussion, the following comments and questions were noted:
· Members raised concerns regarding the change to social work strength-based assessment paperwork from a tick box approach to a more conversational approach and asked for reassurances that elements of the assessment will not be overlooked. The Executive Director informed Members that the person-centred approach to complete paperwork will be a more in-depth assessment and more importantly a personalised support plan will be derived.
The Quarter One Performance Report for Communities and Health was presented informing Members that the Free School Meals (FSM) auto-enrol initiative was successfully implemented over the summer with overwhelming support from all local schools. This initiative will help an additional 306 families access FSM which equates to an additional £390,000 received by those schools. The Widening and Deepening Sports Programme will continue to be funded externally up to 2028. The identified risks, issues and solutions within the service were also noted specifically the loss of national funding.
As part of the ensuing discussion, the following comments and questions were noted:
· Members noted the significant local need for Accommodation-Based Substance Misuse services and requested the Director of Public Health report back upon this in more detail at a future meeting, the Director agreed to this ACTION. · Members requested feedback at the end of the James Cook lung Health Programme, regarding the uptake of the Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) x-rays. The Director informed Members that the uptake was positive, and the clinics were strategically placed in localities with previously low take up. · Members requested a breakdown of the data relating to Did Not Attend (DNA) appointments noting appointments are often changed by the clinician, on the same day and if families have multiple relatives with appointments, the text messages do not state who the appointment refers to. The Director will take this as an ACTION to feed this information back to the health services. · A Member asked what actions are taking place to reduce the amount of drug use in public spaces. The Director responded with a list of actions and initiatives taking place with partner organisations such as outreach work and volunteering, ... view the full minutes text for item 50. |
Health Partnership Updates PDF 57 KB · Whooping Cough Update (Follow up for information and questions) · Youth Vaping Update (Follow up for information and questions) Minutes: This item was for information only, there were no further questions; NOTED. |
New Dementia Passport - supporting families Minutes: This item was deferred to the next meeting; NOTED. |
Work Programme 2024/25 PDF 202 KB Minutes: Items discussed earlier in the meeting will be added to the work programme and an external colleague from Hidden Carers will be invited to present at a future meeting, ACTION for the Executive Director; NOTED. |
Outside Bodies Update PDF 144 KB Minutes: Within the paper links to health partnerships were embedded for Members to access papers and minutes of meetings. There were no other updates presented; NOTED. |
Minutes: Members noted the action log which Officers were working towards achieving and actions from today’s meeting will be added; NOTED. |
Any Items the Chair Certifies as Urgent Minutes: There were two items the Chair certified as urgent, they were as follows:
· Councillor Robson will be providing a Pre-Council briefing. · The Adults and Communities Directorate have received notice of inspection by the Care Quality Commission (CQC) to take place week commencing 04 November 2024. The Chair of this Committee will be interviewed and possibly other members of the Committee if available; NOTED. |