Agenda and minutes

Corporate Parenting Board - Monday, 22nd July, 2024 5.00 pm

Venue: Guisborough Youth Centre, Laurence Jackson School, Church Lane, Guisborough TS14 6RD

Contact: Sue fenwick 

No. Item


To confirm the Minutes of the meeting held on 18 June 2024 and to note the attendance matrix pdf icon PDF 83 KB

Additional documents:


RESOLVED that the minutes of the Corporate Parenting Board held on Tuesday 18 June 2024 be confirmed and signed by the Chair as a true and accurate record, and the attendance matrix be noted.


Declarations of Interest


There were no declarations of interest.


Children in Our Care Quarterly Briefing


The Assistant Director for Social Care and Early Help provided a Members Report pertaining to Children in Our Care (CiOC) reporting on the services undertaken within the Directorate including young people in the Council’s care, care experienced young people, the Care Leaving Service, Virtual School and Vulnerable, Exploited, Missing and Trafficked (VEMPT) young people, reporting on quarter one from April to June 2024.


As part of the ensuing discussion, the following comments and questions were noted:


·       The data for quarter one was not available but would be circulated to Members by the Assistant Director for Social Care and Early Help when available.

·       Members were informed that during quarter one, eight new foster care inquiries were received of which 7 were progressed onto the initial assessment service.  There are 11 progressing through the through the initial assessment pathway service which can take up to 6 months due to DBS checks, family interviews, medical reports and various other assessments that form a part of this robust assessment process.

·       A Member asked what the average timescale for assessments to be completed was and were there any blockages in the system slowing down the process.  The Assistant Director for Social Care and Early Help advised that on average the process was around 6 months due to the robustness of the assessments, ensuring for example risk assessments have taken place and medical reports are obtained.  Some delays are due to personal circumstances such as availability for appointments if in full time work or shift working.  All checks within the assessment process are vital to ensure the safety of the child and foster person/family.

·       Members were advised that the Directorate are working regionally towards a ‘local offer’ for foster caring families to ensure the rates regionally are competitive to maintain local foster families.

·       A Member queried the current number of foster carers compared to how many are required.  Members were advised there are approximately 102-104 active carers, plus 18 in the assessment process.  This is fewer than the number of young people requiring foster placements.  All other Local Authorities are in similar situations.

·       A Member asked if any of the regional partnerships that the Council is already a member of has benefited the Councils offer and service.  Members were informed that advertising is included within all Foster Carers North East marketing and events.  The Directorate work closely with Foster Carers North East to ensure work is not duplicated.

·       A Member queried the difference between fostering and adoption and if different agencies supported the Council locally and regionally.  Members were advised that Adoption Tees Valley recruit and assess people/families and this is a separate service to fostering.  To undergo the adoption process is to sever ties with the birth parent(s), this is a serious consideration and process to consider for example, if a foster situation has broken down.  A Child Permanence Report needs to be completed and a Placement Order would be filed with a Court to initiate the process of adoption.

·       Members were informed  ...  view the full minutes text for item 63.


Any other Business the Chair certifies as urgent


There were no items certified as urgent.


At the conclusion of the meeting, Members departed to attended a Have Your Say Group meeting with young people in foster care.