Venue: Guisborough Youth Club, Laurence Jackson School, Church Lane, Guisborough, TS14 6RD
Contact: Natasha Luxford
No. | Item |
Apologies for Absence |
Declarations of Interest Minutes: There were no declaration of interest, noted. |
Immunisation Update Minutes: The Service Manager for HV/SN presented an update on Planned Immunisation Catch Up for CioC and Care Leavers to address the outstanding immunisation status of many young people.
Areas highlighted in the update included: · South Tees Public Health offered the funding to help improve the take up of immunisation catch up. The funding was sufficient to include care leavers up to the age of 25, if they consent. · The majority of out-of-date vaccines related to immunisations which would normally be given at school, but were unable to be given during the covid pandemic. · A mapping exercise was underway to identify numbers, which immunisations are outstanding and localities. · The work would be undertaken in partnership with South Tees Public Health and Intrahealth. · Accessible locations would be offered depending on localities of the young person. · Communication with CioC and Target Teams is key to ensure the right messages are delivered and uptake is high. · Bookings will be managed by the 0-19 services.
As part of the ensuing discussion the following questions/comments were made: · A Member queried if there was a plan to action immunisations in a specific order by vaccine or age. Members were advised that adolescent ages 0-5 would be prioritised first. Those vaccinations provide more effective cover if administered at the appropriate age, they can however also be given at later ages. · A member queried if there was resistance from children or parents and what actions were taken support any uncertainties. Members were advised that parental consent is usually high however, if a parent or older CioC who can consent themselves have any uncertainties, the service would take the time to have conversations with them and inform about herd immunity. · A Member stated that if a young person/resident missed the HPV vaccination given in schools, GP service informed them they would have to wait until the following years HPV vaccination programme returned to their school to receive the vaccination, which would be a year later than advised. Members were advise that the HV/SN service is working closely with Intrahealth to establish good working relationships including the introduction of catch up clinics.
It was RECOMMENDED that the information in the update be noted. |
Presentation RE: CioC Performance Additional documents: Minutes: The Executive Director for Children and Families Services presented the performance data from the Virtual School regarding Quality of PEPs yearly between 2019 – 2024 and the performance data for Children in our Care.
The following areas were highlighted to Members: · The data was fluid and prone to change frequently. The directorate were working tirelessly to ensure all cases that reach a close are removed from the system and further noted that sibling families can increase and decrease the data significantly. · There continued to be a national and regional campaign to advertise for foster carers, the authority is working closely with the Fostering NE Hub which is a Department for Education (DfE) initiative, and a report would be presented at a future meeting. Officers are keen to work closely with Fostering NE Hub to ensure all enquiries were actioned as soon as possible to ensure the directorate could act upon these swiftly in the hope of engaging with perspective foster carers and sign then up to the training programme. · School exclusions have reduced for Children in our Care compared to this time last year. An indicator that feeds into this reduction was the positive transitions which took place in the first school term. · Contact with care leavers was positive, the majority were in contact with the directorate and only a few were not, their whereabouts however were known and recorded.
As part of the ensuing discussion the following questions/comments were made: · A Member queried if the ‘missing’ data included separated migrant children. Members were advised this would be checked and confirmed at the next meeting. · A Member queried what were the future housing needs analysis for Children in our Care. Members were advised that this would be reported back at the next meeting. · A Member queried what age ranges are included within the NEET data. Members were advise that data is collected in two ranges, 18-21 range and 18-25 range, noting the 21-25 age range are not required to keep in touch with the council, however Officers endeavour to ensure those young people were aware they were eligible for support. · Members were advised that a Fostering paper would be presented as part of the budget review and would be presented to this meeting in due course. · A Member queried if a breakdown of positive moves was available. Members were advised that this could be presented at a future meeting. · A Member asked if the Mockingbird service was set up and being delivered. Members were advised that a second constellation was approved, and an update would be presented at a future meeting. · A Member queried why national benchmarks were available for some of the data. Members were advised that Officers would work with the data team to look into this and report back to a future meeting. · A Member queried the access to dental practices for Children in our Care noting the mixed-up information received at the previous meeting which was later clarified. Members were advised that after the meeting the ... view the full minutes text for item 79. |
Forward Plan for Corporate Parenting Board Minutes: Members and Officers discussed the current arrangements of the Have Your Say Group and how the Children in our Care engaged with members on a six-weekly basis at their youth club group. Members and Officers agreed it was an opportunity to rethink how they engage with the group and the following suggestions were made: · The have your say group young people should have their voices heard by Members and Officers and should feel empowered to lead these sessions and to set their own agendas. · The young people should feel empowered to bring their ideas and expectations to Members and Officers and engage within realistic conversations. · To engage with the young people earlier in council processes, such as when policies are being developed to ensure their lived experiences and voices are taken into consideration when shaping policy. · Engagement with separated young migrants should also be prioritised and ongoing engagement regularly taking place. · Members and Officers should work closely with Officers from The Junction to ensure all their young people have an opportunity to be heard and not just those who are most confident to speak. Consideration should be given to offering alternative sessions, such as in smaller groups with fewer CPD members to not be overwhelming. · Ensure CPD feedback to the young people regarding actions, what can and what cannot be actioned and why.
It was RECOMMENDED that: 1. The information in the update be noted; and, 2. Officers to present a proposal regarding ways forward for HYSG engagement to the next meeting. |
Any other Business the Chair certifies as urgent Minutes: The Chair approved the following urgent item to be presented:
The Corporate Parenting Board meeting planned for Tuesday 03 June was requested to be changed to the following week due to a clash with the Children and Families Scrutiny Improvement Committee.
RESOLVED that the CPD meeting planned for w/c 02 June be moved to w/c 09 June. |