Agenda and minutes

Corporate Parenting Board - Tuesday, 18th June, 2024 10.00 am

Venue: Civic Centre, Redcar

Contact: Natasha Luxford 

No. Item


To confirm the Minutes of the meeting held on 8 May 2024 and to note the attendance matrix from the last meeting pdf icon PDF 102 KB

Additional documents:


RESOLVED that the minutes of theCorporate Parenting Board held on Wednesday 8 May 2024 be confirmed and signed by the Chair as a correct record, and the attendance matrix be noted.


Declarations of Interest


There were no declarations of interest.


Cleveland Fire Authority Verbal Update




The Senior Head of Protection, Prevention and Engagement for Cleveland Fire Brigade provided a verbal update relating to ongoing community engagement work, which includes activities to increase employability, educational programmes, the Fire Cadets programme and Home Safe checks.


As part of the ensuing discussion, the following comments and questions were noted:


·       Members were advised that the Tees Valley has the Cleveland highest rates of arson in the country, being 6.5 times the national average. Dedicated School Education and Community Engagement Officers were undertaking work to try to change behaviours from a young age.

·       Open days to take place across local stations through the summer. Details to be circulated to members of the Board.

·       A Member asked for further details relating to the Cadet service and Members were advised that it was a national scheme aimed at children and young people aged between 13 – 18. It had proved to be an extremely popular scheme since its introduction 2 years ago,  and would be expanded to  include all local authorities across response areas in the near future. As part of the scheme, education was delivered based around behaviours, teamwork, leadership, and the core values of the organisation. Training was based at Middlesbrough fire station, owing to better facilities.

·       The Assistant Director for Education and Skills asked about the potential to advertise the scheme amongst the wider school system.

·       Members were advised that there was potential to use the Cadets to influence the behaviour of younger Cadets coming through the system.

·       A Member asked if applications for the Cadets could be completed online, and Members were advised that the service was looking at how to engage with broad range of communities in terms of recruitment. Engagement in terms of recruitment was being pursued with caution to reflect the fact that not everyone is digitally connected.

·       A Member asked about targeting of the places on the basis that the programme was oversubscribed and Members were advised that criteria was based around where the greatest change to behaviours could be identified. Giving greater priority to looked after children would be considered in the next stage of recruitment.

·       The Board was advised that the Cadet programme runs for 2 academic years and was currently operating in 2 of the 4 districts covered by the Brigade. A review of the scheme would take place with plans to extend into other districts moving forward.

·       The Assistant Director for Education and Skills advised that a piece of work to map fire brigade activity in schools over last 12 – 24 months would be undertaken, to report back to the Board in 2025.

·       A member asked about work being undertaken in relation to road safety and also how schools were selected for engagement work. The Board was advised that the Fire Brigade target schools in specific areas where arson is a problem, and a reduction in such incidents has been seen following this work. The Learn and Live Educator is responsible for a prgramme of road safety in local  ...  view the full minutes text for item 52.


No Wrong Door Verbal Update


Consideration of this item was deferred, and discussions will take place at a future meeting; NOTED.


HYS/Care Leavers Update


The Team manager (Leaving care) and Angelina Allen, Care Experiences Young Person, provided a verbal update on the service.


Angelina and Reece were thanked for their ongoing work in promoting the voice of the service, both locally and nationally in Parliament.


Lobbying was ongoing to have protected characteristic status for care leavers written into legislation and 100 council have now signed up. Protected Characteristic status was described as more than a tool to address discrimination, but about investing in resources from the early years to reduce inequalities. There were Initial costs, which would be offset by long-term savings as a result of better outcomes for young people.


The Care Leavers Forum was held monthly at Target and was recently attended by the Executive Director for Children & Families who provided feedback on progress.

An aspiration to hold a celebratory event during Care Leavers Week in October 2024 was proposed, and Member support in securing a venue was requested.


A request was made for implementation of reduced travel costs or free travel for care leavers. Members were advised that schemes were in place in neighbouring regional authorities, and funding had been made available via health partners. Arrangement of a multi-agency discussion to take the suggestion forward was proposed. Discount schemes for foster carers were also being explored and the service was looking at how this might be implemented.


It was agreed that a representative from TVCA should be invited to alternate Corporate Parenting Board business meetings.


The Forum made a request for the creation of a Participation Officer post to strengthen support and the voice of are leavers; NOTED.




Regional Chairs of Corporate Parenting Board Conference Update


The Chair of Corporate Parenting Board provide an update on work undertaken at the newly-created meeting of CPB Chairs across the North East, which was a forum for sharing of best practice.


Luke Rogers was in attendance and provided an overview of how the system might be improved, and discussions took place relating to how language linguistic descriptions might better describe the service and the experience of the users.


It was suggested that young people could be part of discussions and engagement around their appointment times; NOTED.




Data Set VMC



The Assistant Director, Social Care and Early Help, provided an update on the Data Set presented at the meeting.


As part of the ensuing discussions, the following comments and questions were noted:


·       A Member requested further information relating to the missing unaccompanied migrant. Members were advised that it is believed that they are currently residing in London but are still in the care of Redcar & Cleveland Borough Council, with attempts to contact them ongoing; NOTED.


CioC Health Update


Consideration of this item was deferred, and discussions will take place at a future meeting; NOTED




The Service Manager, Children & Families Commissioning and Support Services provided a verbal update on accommodation.


As part of the ensuing discussion, the following comments and questions were noted:


·       A Member asked about support available for young people transitioning from Childrens to Adults Services and Members were advised that there are gaps in provision at transitional points.

·       The Board was advised that Beyond Housing is currently involved in a Levelling Up Project to create 14 properties for care leavers.


Rota Visit Update


Rota Visit updates were provided by Councillors Curr and Ovens; NOTED.


Any other Business the Chair certifies as urgent


A Member requested nominations for the Inspiring Women Awards; NOTED.