Agenda and minutes

Corporate Parenting Board - Wednesday, 8th May, 2024 4.00 pm

Venue: Civic Centre, Redcar

Contact: Sue Fenwick 

No. Item


Declarations of Interest


None declared.



To confirm the Minutes of the meeting held on 9 April 2024 and to note the attendance matrix pdf icon PDF 89 KB

Additional documents:


RESOLVED That the minutes of the Corporate Parenting Board held on Tuesday 9 April 2024 be confirmed as a correct record, and the attendance matrix be noted.



Children in Our Care and Care Leavers Update Report pdf icon PDF 413 KB


The Executive Director for Children and Families presented the report, providing a brief overview of the main points and key information. Q4 performance data shared in the appendix to the report.

·         Fostering team continued to work on recruiting and assessing potential foster carers. Support provided through a range of communications and in-person catch ups as well as ‘sparkle moments’ to celebrate achievements.

·         Opportunities for young people were highlighted, including academic achievements, progression to further and higher education, and overseas and UK school trips.

·         Guisborough Youth Centre host regular meetings of the Have Your Say group and an awards night is planned to take place in June 2024.

·         The Asylum Through Care Team supported migrant young people with 22 migrant asylum-seeking children in our care and 46 care leavers. Educational opportunities through Middlesbrough College are supported as well as sporting and networking opportunities to promote mental wellbeing.

·         Leaving Care Team provided support to 143 care experienced young people. Feedback from care leavers about their lived experiences and journey through care and after care shared with staff.

·         Care leaver’s achievements shared with the board included progression through HE, employment opportunities, and career development.

·         Virtual School continued to provide support, guidance, and challenge to make sure that our children in care get the best educational opportunities possible. The quality of Personal Education Plans improved with completion rates also standing at 100%. Attendance remained a priority and overall attendance increased from 87.83% in the previous year to 90.71%. Continued concerns regarding increase in the number of suspensions and learning days lost from the previous year.

·         Development of Our SAFE Team (Safeguarding Adolescents From Exploitation) progress well following a positive recruitment drive.

·         Continued to support vulnerable children and young people who at risk of or who are being through our VEMT (Vulnerable, Exploited, Missing and Trafficked) arrangements.

·         No Wong Door continued support for young people that resulted in significant reduction in missing from home episodes and criminal behaviour.

·         Forward look outlined:

o   Work being undertaken to strengthen pathway plans.

o   Leaving Care Team co-producing with care experienced young people Independent Living Skills sessions.

o   Building works to renovate kitchen in care leavers hub.

o   Have Your Say group linking with Regional Children in care council.

o   Blue Cabin finalists in the Northern Cultural Education Awards.

o   Fostering fortnight from 13 May 2024 to 26 May 2024 #fosteringmoments.

o   Fostering Team undertaking ‘out and about’ sessions in the local community.


As part of the ensuing discussion, the following points were made:

·         A member asked about progress with the Have Your Say music group. Officers advised that this is open to children up to the age of 5 and their foster carers. It is early intervention work that is progressing well with a speech and language therapist attending every 6 weeks. Councillors are welcome to visit. Funding has been secured for 3 years and a separate bid for new activity has been submitted. Activity links with schools.

·         A member asked what percentage of children in our care  ...  view the full minutes text for item 47.


Update from our separated migrant young people


The Team Manager – Asylum Seeking Through Care – shared materials, including the induction pack, with the board and introduced a young person who arrived from Afghanistan in 2022.


The young person shared his current situation and aspirations for the future.

·         Currently studying at Middlesbrough College, he has been supported in getting the opportunity to supplement ESOL learning with vocational element.

·         Being well supported by social care team to live in supported accommodation in Middlesbrough but hopes to return to Redcar, open a halal shop, and employ people.

·         Is not allowed to work at present but keen to be able to support himself.


Officers advised that Middlesbrough College has changed their approach to incorporate vocational learning into ESOL provision. ESOL delivery in Redcar College is difficult as funding depends on meeting a minimum cohort size and the numbers are not yet sufficient.


Officers advised that accommodation provision is being developed and The Ridings will be opening.


Officers advised that five Year 11 pupils have recently joined local schools which can be a challenge in the GCSE year but by working with the school this is being supported.



1.    Induction packs are made available to members.

2.    The chair write to the school that has received five new Year 11 pupils.



Any other Business the Chair certifies as urgent


The chair raised the following items:

·         Thanked the current Executive Director for Children and Families and advised that the role will be filled in August.

·         Extend an invitation for a group of children to attend next meeting. Officers to arrange.

·         The Assistant Chief Fire Officer has expressed an interest in joining the board. Chair to work with officers to arrange this.

·         As there is a new PCC officer to reach out to their office and extend an invitation to the board.