Venue: Tuned In, Majuba Road, Redcar, TS10 5BJ
Contact: Natasha Luxford
No. | Item |
Minutes: RESOLVED that the Minutes of the meeting held on 12 December be confirmed. |
Declarations of Interest |
Have Your Say Group Minutes:
The participation lead from The Junction presented a presentation to members showing their involvement with the CioC.
The Junction have been working in partnership with Redcar and Cleveland since November 2023 and provide a vital role to ensure the child’s voice is heard. Since the beginning of the partnership The Junction have successfully held recruitment events, baking competitions and Art and craft workshops. There are currently plans to have music workshops.
Around 30 young people have got involved with the Have Your Say Group which meets fortnightly at Guisborough Youth Club. The group focuses on social interaction, changing the stigma of being in care and to help young people. The Junction shape what they do through the children’s voices.
The participation lead spoke about the language which is used by the Children and Families Directorate that the children in our care want to see changed. The Assistant Director of Early help advised she would work on a survey to address this and include the children from the Have Your Say group.
Action: To arrange future Corporate Parenting Board in line with Have Your say meetings. Action: To invite an Independent Review Officer to a future meeting.
Children In our Care Quarterly Briefing Additional documents: Minutes: The Assistant Director of Early Help summarised the report which was distributed to members. |
Any other Business the Chair certifies as urgent Minutes: None |