Venue: Civic Centre, Redcar
Contact: Natasha Luxford
No. | Item |
Additional documents: |
Declarations of Interest |
HYS/Care Leavers Update Minutes: The board were updated with the latest information from the Have your Say group.
Data Set Minutes: The Assistant Director for Social Care and Early Help presented up to date statistics for children in our care and explained what the department felt was being done right and where there needs to be improvement which shown by the indicators on the data. The information was circulated to members.
It was noted that some of the figures are incorrect, the Assistant Director for Social Care and Early Help explained that this is a computer issues as LSC is not pulling through all the data.
A member requested more insight into the increased number of prison admissions and would like more background for the next board meeting.
Action: To invite Youth Justice to the next board meeting
The chair of the corporate parenting board remined members of the outstanding work children and families have done with foster carers and asked members to be aware of some misleading statements that are being made around recruitment of foster carers she also asked to be mindful of any statement’s groups would like to make.
A member asked about training provided for Foster Carers. The Service manager explained various training for foster carers including VR headsets that shows the world through the eyes of a CioC. Virtual school also provide training and support foster carers.
A member reminded the board about vaccinations and that we have a duty to ensure children are vaccinated. The Assistant Director for Early Help and Social care explained the figures on the data set which doesn’t show the full information.
A member asked about the targets set for the department. The Assistant Director for Early Help and Social care explained how targets are created and what the department is doing to achieve them.
Minutes: The Designated Nurse for Children in our care presented the recent health data for CioC. The report assured the corporate parenting board that health services to children in care are provided without undue delay or geographical prejudice and explained the aims of the Look After Health team to assure the child’s voice around health issues are included wherever possible.
Minutes: The Service manager for Children and Families Commissioning and Support Services gave a presentation updating the board about accommodation in the borough. |
Mockingbird Update Minutes: The Home hub has been a positive impact on foster carers. A new consultation is due to begin in the new year.
Ofsted Assurance Visit Report Additional documents:
Minutes: The report was circulated to members and shows a positive visit. |
Rota Visits Minutes: Councillor King reminded the board about rota visits and as corporate parents it is important that we engage with our young people. |
Any other Business the Chair certifies as urgent Minutes: None |