Agenda and minutes

Corporate Parenting Board - Wednesday, 1st November, 2023 4.00 pm

Venue: Tuned In, Majuba Road, Redcar, TS10 5BJ

Contact: Natasha Luxford 

No. Item


To confirm the Minutes of the meeting held on 5 September 2023 and to note the attendance matrix from the last meeting pdf icon PDF 72 KB

Additional documents:


Declarations of Interest


Support for Have Your Say Group


The Junction has been commissioned for the Have your say group, they are currently looking at increasing their sessions.


A recruitment event has been arranged for 27 November and all members of the Corporate Parenting Board are invited to attend. There will also be a professional bake off involving the CioC. Information will be circulated.


The department are looking into holding achievement awards next year but this will depend on the financial position.


Leaving Care Annual Report pdf icon PDF 2 MB


The Team manager for Leaving care presented the annual report which was circulated to member. The report provides an overview of the work undertaken with care leavers by Target Leaving Care Team and the Asylum Through Care Team (ATC). Both teams provide care leavers with advice, support, and guidance on a number of issues.  The report covers the activity from September 2022 to August 2023 and provides an illustration of the work through activities, data, and feedback from young people.


From the report members requested for gender specific breakdowns of the information. This will be provided.


Members also asked about the apprenticeship scheme and how wide in terms of business are involved. They would also like to see more information about mentor schemes and receive feedback from this.


A member asked whether the number of CioC who are in prison was increasing. The Assistant director for early help confirmed the numbers are relatively low, usually around 5-8 CioC however there is a lot of prevention work that assists them


Children in Our Care Quarterly Briefing pdf icon PDF 117 KB

Additional documents:


The Assistant Director for Early Help and Social care presented the reports which was circulated to members.


Adoption Tees Valley Annual Report pdf icon PDF 2 MB


The report was circulated to members for information.


Any other Business the Chair certifies as urgent