Venue: Civic Centre, Redcar
Contact: Natasha Luxford
No. | Item |
To confirm the Minutes of the meeting held on 20 July 2023 and to note the attendance matrix from the last meeting Additional documents: |
Declarations of Interest |
Introduction - Service Manager - Children through Care Minutes: The new Service manager for Supporting Children Through Care introduced herself to the board and explained her role within the Children and Families directorate.
Blue Cabin Update Minutes: The Assistant Director for Early Help updated the board with the recent activities around Blue Cabin. The video created with the CioC has been shortlisted for an award and are waiting on contact regarding the date for the award ceremony.
Children and Young People Membership to the Board Minutes: The Assistant Director for Early Help advised the board that Children and families are looking at a more democratic approach to members of the Have Your Say group being part of the Corporate Parenting Board and was seeking approval from the board to move forward with this.
HYS/Care Leavers Update Minutes: Z Shaw gave a report updating the board about the recent care leavers group meeting.
Data Set Minutes: The Assistant Director for Social Care and Early Help presented up to date statistics for children in our care and explained what the department felt was being done right and where there needs to be improvement which shown by the indicators on the data. The information was circulated to members.
Members asked for attendance data for Authorised and Unauthorised absences to be included on the dashboard.
Members also asked for more statistical neighbours’ information to be added.
CioC Health Update Minutes: The Assistant Director for Social Care and Early Help presented the recent health data for CioC in relation to health assessments.
Minutes: TheService manager for Children and Families Commissioning and Support Services gave a presentation updating the board about accommodation in the borough.
The Accommodation officer is currently leading on the following:
• Supported Lodgings – to recruit / retain placements • Staying Put with Foster Carers • Developing Housing Related Support across all accommodation • Opening a taster flat to allow a short stay to “test” independent living skills
The directorate have a project officer to support Housing options and is taking forward projects such as the Ridings which is on track to be completed December 2023.
The new regional Independent Fostering Framework across 12 Local Authorities to improve sufficiency and quality of Foster Carers and new Staying Put specification started 1st July 2022 and for 2024/25 onwards Redcar and Cleveland will lead this for the North East
There is a pilot with North Star which secured a dedicated support worker for 6 Flats for Leaving Care and a further 21 for Homeless. The scheme will deliver flexible support to sustain placements.
The Children with a Disability Respite Provision for 0 to 17 located in Dormanstown, will be officially opening in September 2023. An open day has been arranged for Friday 15th September 2023 between 11am - 2pm and all members of the board were invited to attend.
Rota Visits Minutes: Councillor King reminded the board about rota visits and as corporate parents it is important that we engage with our young people. Councillor King explained what a rota visits entails and what to expect from the visit. The Executive Director for Children and Families advised that if anyone is interested in attending a rota visit to contact Children and Families where training will be arranged.
Any other Business the Chair certifies as urgent Minutes: None |